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G3x touch with latest software version. Putting in baro mins during an ILS or GPS approach but not hearing the alert annunciation in the headset. The menu shows the alert is turned on. Can this alert be configured to occur XX feet prior to reaching them as well
G3x touch with latest software version. Putting in baro mins during an ILS or GPS approach but not hearing the alert annunciation in the headset. The menu shows the alert is turned on. Can this alert be configured to occur XX feet prior to reaching them as well

only way I’ve found to do it is tapping the HSI and entering it into the minimums box
Turn the alerts volume up in the config mode of the G3X. I had to turn mine up to 10, the maximum, to hear it consistently.
There were several volumes in the config setup. Alert, Message, AOA and Altitude. All had a % adjustment. Mine were set to 50% and I could hear the test alert for minimums just fine. I updated them to 80% and will try next flight, but I'm not hopeful.

Alert source was set to Auto and Output to Mono & Stereo
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Alert source was set to Auto and Output to Mono & Stereo


It is always best to configure your Alert Audio to match the actual hardware wiring in your aircraft. For example, most of us have the alert audio wired to the mono audio pins on the PFD (not the stereo music pins), and you can configure the alert audio specifically to be output on the PFD mono audio pins.



If I set the alert output to Mono only, the test alert is not heard in my headset at all. Since I could not hear the test alert I did not try to actually fly it this way.

I did update the source to PFD only and the test alert is heard, but actually flying no alert is heard.
To update this and finish it out. I am able to hear the minimum alert now. Turning the volume up helped. I think (maybe) it was always there, but my new IFR training has kept my brain pretty busy during this phase of the approach so my brain could have been tuning it out.
I had a similar issue G3X + GTR200 radio. I turned up the alerts on the G3X to 100% (maybe 80% for AOA), and then adjusted the overall volume of the alerts coming in the aux mono input in the GTR200. Also, from another thread, I turned down squelch in the GTR200 to 10%. The reasoning was that since the G3X is digitally produced and thus produces very consistent volume, if the squelch is set just a bit too high, it will never open and you'll hear nada.
The GTR-200, at least, does have individual input squelches for Aux1 and Aux2 (my alerts go through Aux2)


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