Eric B


I am wondering what the minimum edge distance for bolts in particular is. I'm building a -10 and the inboard forward HS attach brackets are my concern. Each of the two have a little protrusion outboard on the bottom, the part that sits on the fuselage. I may have gotten one a thinner than desired. I've looked through the AC43-13, but it must be hidden :confused: .

Thanks in advance,
AN Hardware min edge distance

The best I have been able to determine on bolt hole minimum edge distance is that the "center of the hole should be a minimum 1.5 to 2.0 x diameter of hole from the edge". This is what I have used in my RV6 construction. I believe that this is conservative because a bolt provides a higher clamping force that a rivet. Other things come into play such as material and material thickness but I have not found a rule of thumb for these factors. Personally I think that for edge distance more is better but sometimes you just don't have a choice. There is a brief discussion on this topic in the Bunny's Guide to building and RV which is archived on the Matronics web site.

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