
I'm New Here
I want to install a miniature video camera to the tip of the tail facing forward (only the lens would be visible). Installation would be permanent (camera must be at least water proof model).

In best case the film would be recorded by using laptop that would be located at the rear seat or behind the rear seat. So it would be nice if the video camera could send the film via ethernet cable rather than NTSC/PAL analog video. Video camera should also have a wide viewing angle (at least 90deg).

Has anyone done installation like that (well, at least Red Bull air race planes have it :) )?
If someone has, what was the camera used and was the film quality good?

I'll tell you what I'm doing which I believe gives good results for the money. Have a Canon miniDV camcorder (520 lines) which I record any ground-adjustable angle from a rigid external mount. The mount attaches to the wingtip or to the cowl/fuse joint. I have no remote control so it runs from startup until end of tape.

Next generation will have 1-4 ea. 520 line lipstick cams wired to the AV input on the camcorder through a rotary selector switch. Will essentially be a tape media DVR with a 2.5" display viewable at the top left side of my panel where I'll be able to start, stop, record any 1 of 4 cams as I please.