
Well Known Member
Do any of the mini transponders have a 2020 upgrade path?
I am talking about Microair, Sandia, Becker etc.
There is a Trig that says it's "ADSB out capable" (what ever that means) and a Becker with similar wording, but it is nearly $3700
All Trig transponders are 2020 compliant when hooked to an appropriate GPS. That's what they mean by "capable". The Becker is the same.

The Microair and Sandia are mode C only so cannot do ADS-B (which requires mode S with extended squitter).
Trig T22

The Trig T22 is a class 1, mode S transponder with built in encoder. Also $1300 less than the Becker for some reason.
So this would be good for 3+ years, then I could hook it to an approved GPS device?
Anyone have anything good or bad to say about the reliability of Trig units?

All Trig transponders are 2020 compliant when hooked to an appropriate GPS. That's what they mean by "capable". The Becker is the same.

The Microair and Sandia are mode C only so cannot do ADS-B (which requires mode S with extended squitter).

I installed a TT22. Nice little unit, easy install. Works with the GPS20A for compliant ADS-B Out.

They have been great answering any questions I have posed and the team was a hoot at the Oshkosh Beer Bash.
I've been running a Trig transponder since November of 2010 and it has worked flawlessly.
Commercial Drones

Perhaps we have to wait for the small integrated Mode S/ADSB out/Internal GPS units that will be needed for the Amazon Delivery Drones?

The production volumes needed should reduce the price...:)

Seriously though, could the drone market be the salvation for low-cost GA ADSB units?
The Trig T22 is a class 1, mode S transponder with built in encoder. Also $1300 less than the Becker for some reason.
So this would be good for 3+ years, then I could hook it to an approved GPS device?
Anyone have anything good or bad to say about the reliability of Trig units?

Trig TT-22 and TT-31 experience.
Connected to Garmin 400 Series and Garmin 600 Series of navigators.

Works as advertised. ADS-B reports with zero errors.

MUCH faster "radar contact" from ATC **it seems** since I changed to the Trig.
MUCH faster "radar contact" from ATC **it seems** since I changed to the Trig.

I've noticed this too. Could it really be because of the transponder?

Note that my unit is a Dynon transponder, which is a TT-22 with a bit of different code in the firmware to communicate with the Skyview.
I think it's because the adsb-out essentially puts you into the system automatically. ATC is saying, yea, I have you already.

Note that, in its wisdom, the FAA did not specify the data exchange format between transponder and gps. Thus you need to be sure that not only do you have a gps and transponder or UAT that meets the standards; they have to be able to talk to each other. As noted above, the Trig units can 'read' the Garmin "ADSB+" format, which is how Garmin 400/500/650/750 series output their data.
IMHO I think the best bang for the buck is the NavWorx ADS600-EXP. You can attach it to any transponder and it has a built-in GPS. It gives you ADS-B out and ADS-B in through wifi to a tablet. Right now it only interfaces to android devices but are going to support I-Pads soon they say.

Seems to be a persistent myth that mode C will not qualify in 2020. A UAT transmitting on 978 and picking up the squawk code from .... let's say a Sandia Mode C will be legal. No mode S required.
Actually, using a tranmonSPE which means transponder monitor, single point of enter.... wrapped around your transponder coax.... you can use any old King, Narco, Collins, etc. Mode C tranponder.
Now, getting those repaired these days is another story... and pricey. So, if you want a NEW transponder along with your ADS-B, by all means get a new solid state unit with no magnetron and with a digital altitude encoder. Either MODE C or MODE S is legal.
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NavWorx ADS600-EXP.

My NavWorx ADS600-EXP works fine with my iPad mini via its built in WiFi. I use IFly GPS on my iPad. Full traffic and weather.

My NavWorx ADS600-EXP works fine with my iPad mini via its built in WiFi. I use IFly GPS on my iPad. Full traffic and weather.

OK good to hear, thanks I learn something new every day. I hope they get ForeFlight up and running soon.
Trig TT-22 and TT-31 experience.
Connected to Garmin 400 Series and Garmin 600 Series of navigators.

Works as advertised. ADS-B reports with zero errors.

MUCH faster "radar contact" from ATC **it seems** since I changed to the Trig.

I've noticed this too. Could it really be because of the transponder?

Note that my unit is a Dynon transponder, which is a TT-22 with a bit of different code in the firmware to communicate with the Skyview.
I experienced the same with my DYNON (TT-22) transponder. During my last transponder check the technician commented it had the strongest transponder output signal he had ever seen.

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drone adsb

Perhaps we have to wait for the small integrated Mode S/ADSB out/Internal GPS units that will be needed for the Amazon Delivery Drones?

The production volumes needed should reduce the price...:)

Seriously though, could the drone market be the salvation for low-cost GA ADSB units?

It's not quite that yet, but here's an example of what's coming to the drone world:
