
Well Known Member
I've spent the last week organizing the shop and putting away all the goodlies in the fuselage kit and separating every little bolt etc. One thing I noticed is that in the bunch of rivets sent they include a (and don't hold me to the first numbers) about 7 426 AD4-11 rivets with notations that they are to be cut to "10s."

Sure enough, while rearranging my jars of rivets, there are 4-5s. 4-6s, 4-7s, 4-8s, and 4-9s...but no 4-10s.

Why? Is this a conspiracy to make me go buy a rivet cutter? Are 4-10s a threat to national security?

Other triva. In the packing list of hardware, why doesn't van list the bags in the order of the numbers? For example, why doesn't bag 1992-1 follow bag number 1991-1, rather than be three pages later after bag 836, 482, QP 654, 739 etc?

I'll hang up and listen.
Heh Heh. I was out in the workshop this morning. Now that the hardware is sorted, and the parts are put away (you know, the fuselage parts store a LOT easier than the wing parts, which is odd considering the size of the crate compared to the wings)... the last remaining task to be done is rearranging the pegboard so that everythign is organized just so (this wasn't a problem until I saw the pegboard/workshop that Joe Schumacher had on From the Ground Up.

I still have a bandsaw to put together (I ordered the Harbor Freight tools one that Dan Checkoway bought), and I want to be build a half-size EAA table for the bandsaw, drill press and grinder and have an electrician wire a 20 amp circuit installed. Taking next week off so we'll do that Monday.

During the winter break, I cleaned and replaced o-rings in the rivet gun, overhauled some tools. Bought some more.

I'm good to go. Organizing is fun. Fluting is boring. :D
Rivet cutter - GOOOD Tool

When I started building my plane I went to some lengths (pun?) to buy exact size rivets called out on the drawings. After suffering some delays in that phase I just bought the rivet cutter and long -3s and 4s of the AN426 and AN470 types and never hesitated to cut as required and proceed. It sure removed that source of delay.