
Active Member
What Navigation equipment do I need to legally fly IFR and make the following approaches :

Is a single GNS430 conneced to D180 (for CDI) legally adequate?


You will need the HS34 also to use the 430 effectively.
I would agree, not so much for the "effective" use of the 430 per se, but rather for the fact that you'd need to feed the CDI/LOC/GS + flags data to the D180, and since the HS34 is the only way to convert ARINC 429 to serial data understood by the D180, it really becomes mandatory.

It would not be needed should you have an SL30 connected via serial to the D180, as far as the ILS and VOR approaches are concerned. But you mention DME, so you need the 430 in lieu of the DME equipment on board, and unless you really want to fly a GPS approach using only the CDI on the 430 screen, you're so much better off by using the HS34 in the first place! :D

Ciao, Luca
I should have said that I got HS34 with my D180.

So I should restate the question :
D180 + HS34 + GN430.

Is this legal for IFR enroute and following approaches :

What Navigation equipment do I need to legally fly IFR and make the following approaches :

Is a single GNS430 conneced to D180 (for CDI) legally adequate?
It might work in the US, but you couldn't legally fly IFR in Canada. To fly IFR in Canada (even with an N registered aircraft), you need to have sufficient equipment to allow continued IFR following any single failure of nav equipment, including associated displays. I.e. you would need to be able to continue IFR following failure of the GNS 430 or the CDI on the D180.
This is where you get into the old slippery slope of "could" vs. "should"....

I assume you don't intend to fly in IMC with the Dynon as the sole flight instrument as that just wouldn't be wise (in my opinion)...I think Dynon would probably agree, but I can't and don't speak for them.

So I can't give you an exact "legal" answer nor legal advice, but I can give you my personal answer and that is I would strongly advise against planning any IFR flight with only a single source of flight instrumentation, and also probably the same with the NAV. In this scenario you've got two huge achilles heels, both of which are great boxes on their own (Dynon and the 430), but lose either one of them and you're pretty much either lost or disoriented or both. With the 180/430 combo there are a lot of eggs in one basked (all of the eggs).....

If it were me, I'd at least add additional flight instrumentation, and at least some sort of secondary communication and/or navigation device (even a hanheld). Perhaps I'm speaking out of school here and you do in fact have secondary flight instruments so I apologize in advance if that is the case!

My 2 cents as usual!
