Capt Sandy

Well Known Member

Today Roy and I were finally back to exploring in the SMC (Silver Magic Carpet) after a month or more of being grounded due to human systems malfunctions. Felt GREAT to be flying again. We flew from Lake Havasu (KHII) to Yuma, Arizona (KNYL). The folks at Millionaire Aviation were oh so kind and helpful. We expected an expensive ramp fee, expensive fuel, and not sure what the courtesy car situation might be. Self-serve fuel turned out to be some of the least expensive around, ramp fee waved with fuel purchase, the facility fee was $5 and included coupons to purchase food at the Millionaire caf? for $1 each! (We?re not cheap, we?re FRUGAL) And the food was good. :)


They gave us what they had for a courtesy car (sigh, we take what we can get out here in the world).

First we visited the Camel Farm. Unusual and interesting place. Camels are fascinating, and I was TICKLED to get to feed and pet them.



Many other well cared for animals from far corners of the earth, including a new-born, twenty-minute old (some kind of Asian?) sheep.


Roy wanted me to get up close to the Ostrich too, but I was a chicken. Ostrich, Chicken. Get it??



Next up was the Date Farm. We didn?t time our trip to go on a tour of the farm to see their 8,000(!!) Date Palms, but we were quite happy to sit in the shade and sip on Date Milk Shakes. For our friends back in the PNW, ?Shade? is what you find on a patio out of the ?Sun?. See, there?s this thing called ?Sun? that happens in places south of about the 40th parallel, but I digress.


Worth mentioning that the Caf? at Millionaire Aviation has BBQ Ribs on Friday!! For the same amazing price of fuel and facility fee.
All-in-all, Such a FUN Day. Wore that RV grin all day! :D

How appropriate that you posted on Wednesday!! Millionaire is a good outfit. We fly in there with my company to get fuel, (Medical Helicopter) and they are always there to meet us. When returning to the hospital I have to provide the fresh chocolate chip cookies for the crew!!

Thanks for the tip on the restaurant. I'll have to try it.
Camels? What about the Planes??

I was so excited about the Camels, I forgot the plane pictures. Talk about upside down priorities! Roy and I found a few other RV?s on the ramp in Yuma, including one that brought a tear to our eyes:


We had to taxi quickly after landing, so I didn?t get a photo of the Cessna holding short in front of a C-130 Hurky-Bird. To make up for it, when we left we were treated to two fighter jets take off as we were holding short (link to video):

Finally, Lake Havasu from the air:

And Cookies

RV7Guy, Thanks for mentioning the cookies. When we walked up to the desk in Millionaire, the first thing they asked was would we like a cookie :)
Fresh baked peanut butter or chocolate chip. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.
$100 BBQ Ribs!

We returned to Yuma on Friday for BBQ ribs. Did you notice in Sandy's earlier post that Million Air has a small caf? and after paying the $5 "Facility Fee" we got coupons for $1 meal (breakfast or lunch). Friday lunch option includes BBQ ribs! Also includes drinks and soft-serve ice cream!


YUM. While we enjoyed lunch we saw a gaggle of four Osprey V-22s take off and a Harrier hovering then landing.

Buy fuel at Million Air and the $25 "Handling Fee" is waived. The self serve fuel was relatively inexpensive at $4.22/gallon.

We borrowed a courtesy car again and drove to a local park for a hike while we were there.
Talk about upside down priorities! Roy and I found a few other RV?s on the ramp in Yuma, including one that brought a tear to our eyes:


Wow, I did not expect to see that in this post. I had those stickers made last year in support of Joe and his family :(


We also had a great experience at this FBO.
Back to Yuma for BBQ

Last week Roy and I flew from our current home base, Lake Havasu, AZ. To Kingman, AZ. After a great lunch at the airport diner,


we went for a walk around the Airport Industrial complex in search of the Desert Diamond Distillery (just a look-see, due to the sacred 8hr rule). On the way we found a Styrofoam plant with LARGE blocks of non-biodegradable material stacked outside. Also found a fun and interesting import shop with goods from around the world and the local EAA chapter hangar.


The next day was Friday, so of course we had to fly back to Yuma, AZ for BBQ ribs.
(Roy posted photo of our yummy lunch)
It may seem like we all do is fly and eat, but not so. We also sleep.
It's so good to see you guys enjoying all of this! When we get ours up and flying (it won't be long now), we plan on coming down that way to see this "sun" thing you're talking about, and also experience the "shade". Novel concept!