Thanks John! Definitely encouraging to me, just drilled 73 holes in fuse Center Section last night. So far to go, but great to keep the end goal in sight!

Very nice accomplishment - I'm 1/10 of the way there.

Can I ask what the white triangle and four squares are that are shown just above the skid/slip indicator ball? I've never seen this before.
Jim - -

it lets you know how far off course you are. The pink line is centered when exactly on the course. Can't remember how much each tick is, but think it is a mile.
That's a lot of airtime in total, let alone just in a -12. That's impressive John. Great job of using your airplane and being safe too.
Randy - -

I am the FLYOUT coordinator for our EAA chapter. Of course I get to fly to all of them. I think I did about 50 last year. Usually within 150 miles.
I think I get it now, John you live in the airplane right? Makes me wonder how many float problems you have had over that span of time? Would you let us know?
Dick Seiders
Dick - -

EASY - NONE. Take them apart every year, but not a problem. Brought me home late today at 9500'.