
Congratulations, Danny on the huge milestone! Thanks for all the help over the years, and for being such a great RV Ambassador! The "Doll" has been my screen saver for many years!
Congrats Danny--the "Doll" still looks fantastic! Your plane was a huge inspiration to me in determining which of the various models I wanted to build.:D:D
Congrats on a nice job, "Mentor". Definitely one of the nicest RV-8s around. Thanks for your advice and help while upgrading my own flying machine.

My 8 is 21 years old (actually 21 years old), can I get recognition too?....lololol:D
Congrats to all you guys with "experienced" RV-8s - you have provided some broad shoulders for us to stand on. Thanks to this site, powered by the generosity of the people that contribute here, it seems most RVs in general keep getting better and safer.
Congratulations Delta Kilo. My -8 wouldn't exist without you. I remember visiting you and Marthajane in the workshop pounding rivets on the slow build. Quite a journey.

Stay safe.
