Thanks. Just so happens that I needed to do a little research this morning before a Navy meeting. I'd forgotten about that link and when I saw your post I thought it might save me some time. It did and now I'll have time for another cup of coffee before I need to go (and finish with todays post). No problems with any alarms.
Woo! :eek: That site set off my browser's alarms! Not sure what the problem is.

Firefox also gave me a warning. It seems this site wishes to create a "secure" [https rather than http] connection. The site's security certificate may be outdated. I'm going to go to the Windows Update site & get an update for root certificates. I will then retry accessing the site. The issue may simply be an outdated security certificate.
Charlie Kuss
PS I updated my root security certificates. Both Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox still give me the warnings that were previously mentioned on this thread. Either the web site's owner has failed to keep their root certicate up to date, or something "funny" is going on.
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