
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, the big day arrived, and Louise and I got to take that once-in-a-lifetime, we haven't gotten married yet - we closed the deal on our first airpark home! As was mentioned by "Mikey" in a previous thread, it is at Polly Ranch (7XS0) in Friendswood (TX). We are SO looking forward to living with the airplanes in the backyard - I've been on the water with my boats tied up behind the house - I am expecting this to be a whole lot better!

The hangar is ready to move into right away, and given that it's only about 3.5 miles from my current airport, I hope to have all of my airport stuff moved over within a week. the house has some pre-move-in work scheduled, but that should only take a month or so. We hope to be able to entertain guests by summer-time! We've already been meeting the local residents/pilots and it seems like a friendly bunch.

Of course, like any teenager, Mikey was the first to rush in and try to claim his spot. (I'm not sure he realizes that he's standing in the corner....)

There is clearly going to be enough room for both him and the Valkyrie, although with the little apartment/lounge built into the corner of the hangar, it will take a little creativity to arrange them so that either can be moved in or out without disturbing the other. The Val moves over in the next couple of days, so there will undoubtedly be some jockeying for position!

Here are a few more pictures of the Hangar, Mikey, and Louise (with bear standing proudly in the cockpit) - the first of us to land an RV at our new home field!

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But what are the plans for the basketball goal?

Louise got all excited when she saw that - am am wondering I am going to get challenged to some hoops and get royally trounced by a hustler.....(in truth, the support pole is just about rusted through - I expect it to go in the first good wind.....)

Too cool....

.....since Jenny and I are heading down to Eagle Neck (dot. org) on Friday to look at, pick, our first airpark home as coming.

.....Er, Mikey, ask Paul if he could maybe find a nice pair of new booties. They're called "pressure recovery wheelpants"'ll be even handsomer (Southern word) and faster to boot!:D

But does it fit my rugged style?

Louise and I have thought about making this change, but I'm a little concerned that those fancy wheelpants might take away from my rugged charm. :eek: The first time Louise and Paul flew together, they took me instead of the Val because I had the higher clearance (and I've never let the Val forget it!). On the other hand, Louise has promised to keep my old pants around even if we did change and that Rocket next door might prefer a faster, handsomer me! :cool: I respect your opinion, Pierre, and I'll talk with Paul and Louise once things settle down around here.
Hey Paul,

You'll love Polly Ranch. I've got good friends out there with a F1 Rocket, Miranda, Rotorway Exec, and he's getting ready to start a SeaRey.

They have nothing but great things to say about living at Polly Ranch. There favorite part is the general community-feel of the people. They're alway raving about the parts or group fly-outs that are thrown together at the last minute. I'm jealous!

Here's Dave's plane(s). I'm sure you'll see them often. When you see him out and about, stop by and introduce yourself. He's a great guy, and his wife (Avril) is a lot of fun to hang out with too.

Hey Phil - Dave and Avril were the first folks we met! They are our next-door neighbors, and their Maranda was being kept in our hanagr. Yup - great folks!

Hey Phil - Dave and Avril were the first folks we met! They are our next-door neighbors, and their Maranda was being kept in our hanagr. Yup - great folks!


LOL - When we were looking for an airpark a 5-6 months ago, Dave called to tell me that his neighbor was selling. We got cold feet and decided to wait for my wife to finish her PhD before rejuvinating the airpark idea.

I had a feeling that was the place you bought. I'm glad it ended up in good hands. :)

I'm sure you'll see us around.

The Valkyrie is "Home"

The Valkyrie decide it better get over to the new home before "Mikey" really settled in! I am pleased to report that both airplanes fit nicely in the hangar (although how to get either one in or out without moving the other is a puzzle yet to be solved...). Plenty of room for workbenches for future projects as well! The flight over clocked in at 9 minutes, engine start to engine stop - with five minutes of that in preflight taxi before take-off. The return bicycle ride to retrieve my truck took 30 minutes, but at least I got my exercise for the day!

Here are the siblings together in the new place:

I am expecting a constant struggle between the "kids" over who gets to park in front....:D

Now I have to move all of the Valkyrie's "support stuff" over from my old hangar, about 5 road miles away. It is beyond me how a hangar can accumulate so much "stuff" in just a few years - it sure didn't LOOK crowded, but I am estimating about ten pickup truck loads and a trailer run (for really heavy/large stuff) will see the job done....
A relatively thin (1 1/2") or so board, under one main wheel, will make a large movement at the outer wing area--------

You can use a 2 x 6 with a long taper lead, to raise one wing enough for the other plane to pass under, and it is still possible for one person to push (or pull) the plane up and on to the board.

Might take a bit of experimenting, to get it dialed in, but I have seen this setup used in a few hangars.
A relatively thin (1 1/2") or so board, under one main wheel, will make a large movement at the outer wing area--------...
Or you could just do the, relatively simple, RV-8 low wing to high wing conversion. First you need to pick up an old Cessna 150 for parts....
Or you could just do the, relatively simple, RV-8 low wing to high wing conversion. First you need to pick up an old Cessna 150 for parts....

Actually, I was figuring that with a professional cave explorer for an owner, Mikey would just naturally sleep hanging upside down from the ceiling with his wings folded....:D

Thanks, Mike!

You can use a 2 x 6 with a long taper lead, to raise one wing enough for the other plane to pass under, and it is still possible for one person to push (or pull) the plane up and on to the board.

I like it! Certainly a more useful suggestion than converting an RV-8 into a Skyhawk or the -6 into an inverted Kitfox! :eek: