
Well Known Member
Kudos to Mike Starkey, Tim Olsen, & Scott Schmitt. And I'm sure there's others.
You guys always seem to respond to folks in such a positive way. Never a derogatory comment, or "my way is the best" type attitude.
Mike posted a comment to a fellow in the classifieds about auctioning an engine. He appoligized for playing "bad cop", I could, somehow, just see the smile on his face as he was typing that. Not the scowel & or frown, while he was pounding on the keyboard, YOU CAN'T DO THAT.:)
Anyway, just thought I'd pass along my thoughts. I enjoy reading you guy's posts.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
I concur!

It is the positive nature of people on the VAF Forums that makes this place somewhere that people want to come and visit (in my opinion). People frequently comment that the moderators do a good job of keeping the forums running smoothly, but the truth is, we hardly do a thing (percentage wise) - it is the general population that sets the culture and keeps it running at a level well above average!


Marshall, thanks for the kind words.

I get way more from this site than I can ever give back.

But, I am going to continue to try:D
especially in this format....

I appreciate it too.... it is so easy to take things out of context and back and forth arguments insue. Often times, when someone challenges something I say, even if it is an area of knowledge or expertise for me, I just let it drop....
This is supposed to be fun and folks like you, and most others on here, make it that way....
Thank you for your kind words

That is very nice of you to say.
Out of all the forums or e-mail lists I have belonged to, I have always enjoyed the participants of VAF the most.

"I can live for two months on a good compliment" - Mark Twain
I?ve always believed that if you give people the opportunity to shine, almost all will. I?m continually amazed and grateful to see how much folks here will do to help out a fellow aviator/builder/stranger.

The always upbeat mood here is an oasis to me. The participants make it that way?