I'd love to get some RV-7 training but I'm still quite a way from my first flight (working on the fuse). At past Oswego fly-ins, signups with Mike were limited to those who were just about ready to fly. Will that be the case this year?
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Flying with Mike Seager

Just to insert a plug for Mike Seager here...

I did my transition training with Mike last October (three months before I was ready to fly my -7). I was upgrading from a low/slow TaylorCraft type airplane, and was used to flying really fast at 100mph and landing really slow at 45 mph. Obviously, the RV-7 was a change of pace for me.

I had scheduled about 8 hours, but weather was a big factor, so we were only able to clock 2.7 hours. After we finished the 2.7 hours, I felt confident enough to fly my RV-7.

I really owe it all to Mike. His training technique is calm and relaxed, but you're going to know how to handle these little hot rods when he's done with you.

Best part of all of this, the cost to fly with Mike is very reasonable. I'm not going to start quoting prices - that's up to Mike - but I certainly felt that I got my money's worth.
Hey Fred I will be there again, and I would love to get 6-8 hours worth with Mike. I prefer early if ok, maybe thurs and fri. Thanks
RV Transition training


My tail dragger instructor sugested I get In-Type training.

I am interested in Mr. Segers training @ Up-state N.Y. this coming september.

Can you call me at 410 767-3839.

Manuel Gonzalez
(N146ZX) RV-4
IO.360 Angel valve (200HP)
Hartzell C/S Prop.
ENGINE TEST- RUN, completed 5/15/2010
If anyone is on the fence, jump in with both feet. Mike is the best instructor I've ever had.

Good to hear that, echos a lot of others, I am scheduled with him on the first and third of Sept, right after the Homecoming.
Better than Insurance

Another plug for Mike.

I recently flew all the way from Melbourne - Australia (commercially) to undertake RV training with Mike in Vernonia, Oregon and so glad I did. His calm and professional approach took a low hour pilot from wondering if he would ever get to take-off and land an RV by the numbers with correct technique to feeling confident and competent after the training.

For me one of the highlights was the last day taking a flight down the Oregon Coastline, popping into and out of a number of different strips, all of which elevates confidence and cements the training over the previous lessons with Mike. It is better than the best insurance to have this training before you start flying your new RV or just as a polish-up on RV technique. You guys get to have this professional on your door step though for an Aussie it is an expedition all round. Costs were very acceptable as well with Vans partly sponsoring the program Mike carries out.

The only down side to my visit was the damage inflicted on the credit card by my lovely wife whilst we were there. She had single handedly added significantly to the USA GDP (sic)

Take the opportunity to fly with Mike.......you wont regret it.

Greg Blakey, Australia
Sat & Sun - SEPT. 10-12, 2010
International RV Reunion & Builders Forum !
All Aircraft Homebuilders welcome!
Early arrivals are welcome Sept 10th. The Forum is on Sept 11th.
Primitive camping available onsite. Showers available.
For additrional info go to www.eaachapter486.com
WELL Mike was here and flew non stop for 4 days! tons of happy pilots!
weather only canceled one session! he will be back next year he said and right now i am only taking names for standby. I have his entire schedule full already for next year!!