
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member

From Mike's page:
With this page, I hope to show some different ideas, tips, and tricks that I have actually seen and photographed or that someone has sent me some information about. Just because it's on this page does not necessarily mean I'll use it or that it's the first and best example of an idea. I'd like to have this page be a working document where visitors can submit thoughts, pictures, or web links that will benefit other RV builders. With so many RV's flying it's getting tougher to find unique ways of doing things. Tougher but not impossible. As we say in business, "creative, unique ideas are nice.....but don't hesitate to steal shamelessly.

A preview: Rudder Gust Lock
If you use this type of rudder gust lock, PLEASE install a LONG "Remove Before Flight" streamer.

I have to disagree. If a pilot is stupid enough to takeoff without checking his rudder movement, then he is probably too stupid to do a preflight, so the "Remove Before Flight" flag would just be flapping in the wind.

Better safe than sorry

...and it is hard to taxi with that thing in place too.... however, wouldn't it be nice to have at least a fighting chance to see it before you get in, buckle up and start up?

Even if you do make it to the runway, maybe the guy behind you will notice it and let you know!

By the way, I've had trouble with the smooth rod as shown working its way loose. I switched to a threaded rod so I could twist a couple of nuts on the ends to keep it in place.

Dick Flunker (RV-6A) has developed a gust lock out of PVC tha wedges between the rudder pedals and the main spar carrythru. This is much harder to ignore.
As far as missing gustlocks on preflight, it happens too often. Read the accident reports. You'll be shocked at some of the things people miss. Examples: C-170 took off with right seat belt tied around yoke. Bonanza started takeoff roll with concrete block still tied to the tail. These people may be stupid indeed but when they go down, we all loose!