
Well Known Member
I am sad to report some news a couple months old. Our friend and fellow VAF poster, Mike Culver, passed away Jan 20. I got an email from him late December and he was in pretty good spirits, but in pain. His last visit to VAF was just before he passed away.

Mike was a good guy and fought cancer as hard as anyone I have known. I never met him in person, but we were friends.
I am very sad, and very sorry, to hear about this, Rockwood. I never met him in person either, but we had corresponded several times. I tried to help him with some information about cancer that I thought might help him. He was a very nice guy, and I'm sorry to hear this. My condolences to his family, and friends. :(
I had the pleasure of finally meeting Mike in person at the Van's dinner at OSH in 2012. He was escorting an older gentleman, whose name escapes me at the moment, that was a friend of the person that accompanied me to OSH. We ended up sitting together for dinner.

A nicer person, you'll never meet.

My condolences to his family and friends.
So saddened to hear

I had contacted Mike through here numerous times as we were both building 9A's. Mike told he about his illness. I am saddened to learn of his passing.
Sad News

I too am saddened to hear this news. I had enjoyed the few posts and replies we shared here on the forums and always came away thinking I'd like to meet that guy. It appears others feel the same way.

Here's the link to his VAF signature page which for now includes his photo.

Here's the link to his web page.

Even though we have just now learned of his passing several months ago, i trust his family will be blessed with many happy memories of his life with them.