
Well Known Member
Ok, I built an airplane....but I have to say the engine and electrical stuff does not come easy to me.

I have read and enjoyed many of Mike Busch's articles in various publications...learned lots and it is all common sense. I have also had lots of experience with fellow aviators writing big $$ checks to chase issues all in the name of safety...often with little benefit.

So, on the advice of a fellow rv builder, I signed up for Mike Busch's Savvy Analysis. I went with the free version, but later upgraded to the pro service and do now pay an annual fee for unlimited testing.

What a truly great service. A few months ago, I had an odd burp in the fuel. Downloaded the data, sent it off, great fast and comprehensive review. Made sense, gave me piece of mind and all was good without any costs or needs to visit a mechanic and the associated bills/delays.

Today, as i just wrapped up my annual and am prepping for a Canada to Bahamas run end of next week I flew the Savvy test run. Flew at 9, downloaded, and sent it to them at 10. I asked for a fast turn around so that if any issues i have time to fix. WOW...got my full reply back in just over an hour!

With this you get all sorts of tests done on temps, fuel flows, ignition etc. (NOTE, I agree there is certainly a need for AME's but not if there isnt any issue)

This is a truly awesome service and Mike (and team) are doing a wonderful job moving this technology forward at a reasonable fee for us. The days of having to run to an AME all the time for nothing are gone and having these comprehensive reviews done and archived for trends etc is just amazing.

GOOD JOB and Thanks to Savvy. I hope others use the service and they do very well. Worth every penny. Not often you can say that about things you have to pay for.

Cheers, Rick
+1 for Savvy. We had Savvy manage our Cirrus for 7 years at a cost of $750/year. They always saved us at least that much each year and often multiples of that much. On an expensive, complex aircraft like the Cirrus their technological knowledge, proficiency and experience were worth their weight in gold. The annual fee included their analysis service and, on occasion, they would remind us to upload our data so they could see what is going on even when they were no working an issue for us. They are really on top of things. In cases where you have multiple persons flying the plane, and all have agreed on a standard method of engine operation (e.g. lean of peak within certain parameters), the analysis service is a great way to monitor compliance.