
Well Known Member
Bernie Weiss' Sky Pig 2 is out of the Pen!

After a posterior numbing 6.5 hours in the saddle today, Bernie broke the down the walls of the 40 hr, self-imposed prison. His first passenger was of course, his wonderful wife, Debbie.

I see many breakfast runs and cross countries in Bernie's future.

My little Kate has already asked for a ride. She is a sucker for a pretty plane......

Overheard on the radio...

"Anoka tower, RV five-two-seven-delta-bravo heavy, ten north, landing with foxtrot".

Ducking for major cover....and looking for a new hangar...:eek:
Congrats Bernie! It is great to see that SPII has been let loose. I really enjoyed doing the initial testing of your great machine (even if it is a tri-gear!!!) Gives me inspiration to keep working on my -7. You should feel satisfied at the completion of your $100K+ pancake retrieval device.
Congratulations Bernie!!! Finally you can get to those famous EAU pancakes! ...the whole reason you built I'm sure! :)

- Peter
If you guys need some ballast sometime for a pancake run, consider dropping down to KSGS and picking some up. :p You can do a tech inspection while you're there. Oh, and I'll buy breakfast.