
Well Known Member
Hey Folks!

I'll be attending the Midwest LSA EXPO in Mount Vernon, Ill. (KMVN) next week Sept. 9-11. Last year five RV-12s came.

Okay Pete, Larry and John... you guys led the way last year. Let's rally the troops and have a big RV-12 turnout!

Hope to see you all there.
Mt Vernon

Have to apologize for John. He has a problem with commitment. Of course we'll be there. (even if I have to call em again!). Larry calls us each morning for that day's direction so we're good!

Larry Veterman's South Dakota Fly In

Is the Badlands Fly-In (Hot Springs, SD) just for the RV crowd?

Thanks Darrell

I knew this question would come up pretty quick. Sorry to say, it is not installed yet. I do know that most of my install kit is sitting next to Daryl's desk waiting for the word from engineering to ship.

One thing I've learned about the engineering crew at Van's, meticulous in their scrutiny of any new system, especially one as technically involved as the Skyview/RV-12 integration is unparalled. As a result, I can guarantee that once I get receive my kit, I will be hard pressed to find any errors. Most of what I've found in the past as the beta tester for the RV-12 kit(s) were relegated to grammatical and puntuation. I just knew this English minor I earned 40 years ago would eventually come in handy.

Hang in there guys. It's comin'!
Thanks Mitch,

I will be attending on Saturday only.

Is it possible to have a demo ride that day or will all the slots be spoken for by the time I arrive?

Depends upon what time you arrive. If it's like last year, the slots will fill up, but real quickly. Just get there as soon as you can.
Hey guys. It's Thursday and I should be winging my way to the Expo, but the monsoon rains we're getting are keeping me grounded. Hopefully I'll get out Friday.
Mitch, have you completed the Skyview installation and are you taking the -12 to this expo?

Mitch! I made it in here this afternoon (Thurs) just before the rains started. Hope you can make it in. I know your part of the country is swamped. Chris has done his usual fine job and hopefully the weather won't ruin it. On the other hand, some of us haven't seen rain since May so I'm kinda enjoying the 50F temps as well as the rain.

Hey Pete,

It's 0630 on Saturday morning, still back at home. I was intending on flying out this morning but low visibility and ceiling over the WV mountains makes it a bit too uncomfortable. Looks like this one is going to be a washout for Van's. Sorry folks, especially to guys like you, Pete, who made an extra effort to get there.

I know Chris has done a great job. Spoke with him yesterday and he said that about 60% of the vendors had arrived. It was us from the east who were not there. I am really regretting not making it.

Skyview? Not yet. I speak with engineering on a weekly basis and they are putting the finishing touches on my update package. Their intent is for me to get a package with zero errors so that my install will go easily and they can get it out that much quicker.

Though I have not been directly involved with the engineering of this system, I have been on the sidelines observing the process. As with most engineered systems, a simple concept is most times not so simple to design and/or execute. Believe me, what we will be getting is well conceived, thought out and relatively easy to integrate into our airplanes. It will be worth the wait.

Hope to see you Pete, and everyone else at the next one.

Thanks ever so much for your efforts!