
Well Known Member
Flew the RVX to Midland TX this morning to visit the grandkids. Gave them a choice of going to the movies or swimming. They chose the pool, turned out to be providential. The movie we had planned to see was interrupted by the shooter and he was killed by law enforcement in the parking lot.

Pray for the affected families and be thankful for our first responders and law enforcement.

The veil between life and death is, at all times, very thin. I'm glad you and your family are OK. This reminds me of the stories of survivors of 9/11..some were saved because they missed their plane, were sick and didn't go to work, had to take their kids to school, had car trouble, etc...just a fluke they were not caught up in the destruction. I used to be irritated when stopped in traffic, caught by a train, etc......but got over it after that. I figure I'm exactly where the Almighty wants me to be at any particular moment, so it's best to just embrace staying on the ground if the flying WX is marginal. As you said, your experience was providence....get a lotto ticket while your luck is holding.