
Well Known Member
After reading an ad here on VAF about Sky Manor 4th Annual Fly in, the decision-making process was quick - a "GO". We ( my new Lucas-free MiniCooper and I) told RV to guard the house and whistling happily we left the premises.


Motored about an hour, stopped by Alexandria Field for couple minutes. Two airports are just miles apart. I was training future courtesy car how to recognize airports and other stuff. It seems like Mini understood and liked the drill.



Then we zoomed to N40. Sky Manor is nice little field located in picturesque area of Western New Jersey. I would estimate about 100 minutes ride from Empire State Building, it's really pretty close to the City.

Lots of parking space for cars, bikes and airplanes.



It was like little Oshkosh. N40 Management provided excellent weather, tasty hotdogs and relaxed atmosphere. Ratio of kids to adults was very high and I know why. There were so many aircrafts designed for kids. Say this toy helicopter. Only kids were around. The Heli even flew couple of inches from the ground.


Other copter came later but stayed on the other side of the field. The Bravest on duty decided do not approach kindergarten today.
Stand Up! 'Shun! That's RV discipline. Everywhere the same perfect lines.


At Ease. There was lots of big boys toys by the hangars. Somebody told me that those are kit cars. Is that true? I may want to build one.



There was a real mockup of a Russian Jet with repainted exterior (joking here)

Very diverse and interesting exhibition of aircrafts. This "kerosinka" is very popular in Eastern Europe and Asia. The fleet of Maules is growing there.



Lovely RV-12 was there as advertised. Waiting for demo rides. Nice write-up about a ride by a professional test pilot here http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=47278




There was a competitor named Sting3. Right name for the Sleek the price probably stings three times of RV12. But she was a beauty I can tell you.

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There was something picniky in the air. Food court was running full smoke...


The smell was so good and was spreading so high and far that two open cockpit biplanes diverted to our destination. I was running fast to catch them, stumbled and broke the picture . Only these fragments left....




Sky Manor Founding Fathers.


They were waiting for somebody. May be for this guy.


to be continued
Fond Memories

Vlad: Thanks for the report on Sky Manor. Didn't know they were growing in the Fly-In area that much. Brought back great memories of flying (1980-90) with Dad (George Bonnell; 1926-2004) in the RV-3 he and the family built from scratch (1975-80). We kept the plane in the chicken coop converted to hangar at the south end of the runway. Flew lots with Bob Mahler, brother of Ed Mahler, the namesake of the chapter. Thanks again.

Col Bonnell:)
Boy I wish I knew about this. I would have loved to attend. Thanks for the great pics. I made my first skydive at Sky Manor.

PS. Vlad, your plane looks great!!
What kind of turbine is in that Maule? That would have to have tremendous performance!!!
It's hard to believe that there is so much beautiful country so close to the big city. N.J. is not called the Garden State for nothing.
Great write-up and beautiful pics! And can we have some of that nice weather down here in Houston please??

Sky Manor Airport dates back to the 40's. In 2008 the airport was purchased by a group of pilot/tenants. One of these is Ken Johnson, whose Glasair III can be seen in the background in one of the photos. It was 1993 Sun and Fun and Oshkosh Grand Champion. In 1994 Ken flew the Glasair in a round the world air race. When Ken first flew the Glasair, the Sky Manor runway was only 2400'. It is now listed as 2900'.
The turbine Maule is listed as powered by a Rolls Royce 250-B17C.
Jim F

Where abouts in NJ is Sky Manor? I have a son at Drew U. grad School in Madison NJ. Is it close? I might want to visit when I get my 9A finished and ready for a real X-C!
Vlad: Thanks for the report on Sky Manor. Didn't know they were growing in the Fly-In area that much. Brought back great memories of flying (1980-90) with Dad (George Bonnell; 1926-2004) in the RV-3 he and the family built from scratch (1975-80). We kept the plane in the chicken coop converted to hangar at the south end of the runway. Flew lots with Bob Mahler, brother of Ed Mahler, the namesake of the chapter. Thanks again.

Col Bonnell:)

My pleasure Colonel. You have to come back here some day after 23 months. We may find something to talk...

Boy I wish I knew about this. I would have loved to attend. Thanks for the great pics. I made my first skydive at Sky Manor.

PS. Vlad, your plane looks great!!

Thanks Andy, what's the status of your project? Is it still a dream?

What kind of turbine is in that Maule? That would have to have tremendous performance!!!
It's hard to believe that there is so much beautiful country so close to the big city. N.J. is not called the Garden State for nothing.

Garden State it is I am with you on that Dan.Jim Stenton answered the question about the turbine.

Great write-up and beautiful pics! And can we have some of that nice weather down here in Houston please??

John, it's small state and good weather per capita costs less :) call Sky Manor land line if you need some...

Where abouts in NJ is Sky Manor? I have a son at Drew U. grad School in Madison NJ. Is it close? I might want to visit when I get my 9A finished and ready for a real X-C!

That's pretty close to Sky Manor Airport Jim. I think about 20-30 minutes ride. Come. They will treat you royally.
Official part was brief and on the point. We were told a bit of history and learned that Sky Manor airport is unique. It was recently purchased by a group of pilots. Lots of RV builders and flyers are based there.


Other managing partner took the mic. Short introduction and here he is - the Chairman Poberezny himself.


Tom gave good speech. He knows how to draw and keep attention. He spoke about the article in USA Today and reaction on it. He told us that EPA is working hard to make 2017 deadline to phase out 100LL and enlightened us on other subjects. I never knew that S-n-F is separate from AirVenture.


Listeners were attentive and thankful.





There is first EAA Lady in this crowd. Can somebody tell who she is?

There is a study that most RVs bear the owner's personal traits and character.
Let's make a comparison. Tell me if I am not right.





Out of the 10-15 people I know that were there, you only got one on 'film'.
My riveting partner told me that everyone had a good time.




Bill Sutton, RV-9A owner based at Toms River airport in NJ had very interesting little doors to access air nipples to service tires. Bill I have blurry picture if you are reading this could you please email me your design.

One more thing -Bill has Hobbs meter not in the instrument panel. Take a look by the subpanel. Cool idea!
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Out of the 10-15 people I know that were there, you only got one on 'film'.
My riveting partner told me that everyone had a good time.

Greg I saw lots of people with nice gear, some of them were pros I am positive. Where were you at the moment?
As I've mentioned before the event attracted lots of youngsters. For kids airplanes were performing their own show without owners even suspecting it.
Take a look at this Aeronca's Duckling



this shark was right behind and ready...


this guy was trying to play a chameleon game matching the firewood but he managed to match hangar color instead...


The canard lady exposed her shredding equipment. These teeth are designed to convert Canadian geese into noodles.

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I love this Pietenpol.



Basically my RV panel will look like this one with some minor variations. Modern panels are mostly built by T-shirt companies :D to create .... you know what.


When I was a kid, my parents bought me light motorcycle "Minsk". I swear these are the wheels. Absolute copy. I wrecked the motorbike in one year and my grandfather used the wheels on his "shaitan-arba" wheelbarrow. They are still somewhere around. The same wheels.

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My relatives owned a WW2 motorcycle. I believe the brand was BMW and it was a war trophy, but it was so old and took my uncle good 15 minutes to crank it. This one is almost new


Will wrap up tomorrow...
Thanks everyone for coming!

I would like to thank everyone for coming to our Fly-In at Sky Manor this year. We acquired the airport this year and is now owned and operated by pilots for pilots!. It has been a lot of work but with a dedicated group of airport lovers we are making it work.
Please free to call me if you would like more information on Sky Manor and hangar avalibility.

Thanks again,
Adam Silverstein

(908) 803-8301
and thank you for wonderful event

You guys have a nice place. These are the hangars they look brand new. Three double rows on this side, I've checked.



The story below is fictitious. There was always somebody watching the kids but I intentionally chose the pictures where adults were out of the frame. The aircraft was not touched or compromised at any moment.

This airplane is probably working part-time for Pixar Movies or other Disney Studio. All those cartoon characters had ability to mangetize fingers.


Camera clicking sound could remove magnetic field almost immediately...


The airplane also serves as a learning platform to study aerodynamics. This is the elevator study, what is moving up/down and why.


Future test pilot was very curious but he noticed my camera and disappeared. I took position behind the trees and patiently waited. Somebody else joined me. Curious pilot made couple circles along flight lines to bamboozle his observers and reappeared at the same spot again. This time he was ready to test the elevators.







Everything is working exactly as he was told. Cool. More potential test pilots arrived but testing period was over. The Regulatory Body intervened (you can see the regulator behind the tree branch)


The event was designed for kids.
Sky Manor Restaurant looked like Aruba beachfront cafe.


There were no Borsch or Blintzes on the menu but salad called Maintenance Shop was excellent. Plus outstanding view from the restaurant window! Airplane landing and taxiing while you enjoy the food. What could be better!



I will be back next year.