Paul K

Well Known Member
Finally, with nothing on the schedule and the weather clear and calm, I talked the wife into a color flight "up North" Departed Sparta airport (West Central Michigan) late morning and first view looks promising!


Took off to the North towards Cadillac and towards Traverse City. A little too early for full color but some bright areas.

Looks like a cloud bank to the NW and thats where we are planning to go, along the lake shore.

Very short hop over the top with lots of holes to look down through.

Skipping a cloud covered Traverse City, went directly to the lake shore and Sleeping Bear Dunes national park. Can see South and North Manitou islands out in the lake.

Not much color so turned south down the lake shore.

Platte Bay point. All those crescent lines are old beach heads. From a time in the near past when lake levels were much higher!

To be continued:
Continuing down the shore, came to the sleepy little town of Frankfort.

Past Lower Herring Lake

Past Arcadia

Then Onekama with a really nice resort,


To Manistee

Further South to Big Sable light house

Next town along the shore is Ludington. One of my favorite lunch destinations.

Just south of Ludington, the power company built a very large lake up high in the dunes. They use excess nuke power during the slow times to pump water up and then during peek electricity use, let the water back down to remake power. Like a big battery.

Bass Lake

A splash of color behind the dunes

Then another favorite lake town, Pentwater

Just south of Pentwater are the Silver Lake Sand Dunes. They allow "off road vehicles" on part of it and they look like a bunch of mad ants.

Much of the dune area has been preserved
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On the Southern end of the dunes is another lighthouse, this one built of brick

From here, we turned inland to look for corn mazes.

Finally returning back to Sparta for a 1.6 hr flight with the wife.

Wish the color was a little more advanced but you take it as you can when the weather allows.
Michigan Lake many familiar sights! Thanks for sharing Paul. Colors are nearing peak they look more beautiful each day.
Nice photos Paul. That is one of the most beautiful areas of the country. I too flew in Michigan yesterday in the 'perfect fall weather'. The colors on this side of the state are similar and about a week or two from peak.

Go Blue! ;)
Excellent! Can't wait till I'm making such ventures out of PTK. I'm shooting for fall of 2017...
Nice photos, Paul! One of my earliest flying memories is being amazed at seeing both Lake Michigan and the waters of Green Bay at the same time while flying above the Door Peninsula where I grew up. It's so easy to forget the beauty all around you when you're trudging back and forth to work on the ground every day.
Hi Katie,

Hope you and Ben are well. The colors are predicted to peek around here in another week or two! Very late this year due to the warm and sunny fall we are having. Can't believe how nice the weather has been.

Hey Vlad, Come on back! It's only a "short" flight for this great traveler.

Dave / Von, I'm a MSU grad but not looking forward to this weekends game. The Spartans just arn't playing with any emotion! Very frustrating.

goatflieg, Keep working on it. As they say, it's worth every rivet and I can attest that it is! When you are done, let everyone know and come visit us.