
Active Member
I am having difficulty modifying the mic gain on the 430. When I go to the COM setup page, I set the mic gain and then exit. I then restart the unit and check the setting in the COM setup again (just to make sure that it took) and it's still set at the original setting. I would scroll down to the "Store Calibration" line and press enter, but it is greyed out (not active). Any suggestions?
3 frequency ranges

Hi there,

To adjust the mic gain and other com settings you have to do that by selecting the frequency to 118.00 MHz and adjust, then to 126.00 MHz (or it might be 126.50, I'm going from memory here) and adjust, and finally to 136.95 and adjust again.

I don't know why they do it that way, but only on those frequencies you can save the settings. I hope this helps.
Yup...that worked

The frequencies that I had to tune to are 118.00 MHz, 127.00 MHz and 136.950 MHz. Thanks for your help.