
Well Known Member
Any news on the new cpu board for odyssey/voyager/explorer? Rainier or Nicol?

I'm guessing we'll see something at Oshkosh, but a teaser pic would be a nice treat ;)

I'm at the point where I'm ready to drop some $$$ on autopilot servos, and I need to pick a direction. I'm leaning toward MGL and the Trio servos. If I went with Dynon, I'd have to get their servos. It'd be nice to see what the MGL EFIS will be capable of by the time I'm ready to order it (Julyish).


I've already got my Trio servos, so I'm going with the Odyssey no matter what, but I'd still love to see a sample of the MGL 168 graphics in action.
Any news on the new cpu board for odyssey/voyager/explorer? Rainier or Nicol?

I'm guessing we'll see something at Oshkosh, but a teaser pic would be a nice treat ;)

I'm at the point where I'm ready to drop some $$$ on autopilot servos, and I need to pick a direction. I'm leaning toward MGL and the Trio servos. If I went with Dynon, I'd have to get their servos. It'd be nice to see what the MGL EFIS will be capable of by the time I'm ready to order it (Julyish).


I'm hard at work on it right now (very hard in fact).
Sorry, no pics yet...
Yes, it's intended to be ready for Osh (unless the sky falls on my head or something).

CEO MGL Avionics