Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
For those wanting to play with the XTreme to see what and how it does things, we have uploaded a nice simulator (Windows based) to the XTreme web page.
Try before you buy or just have fun... (www.MGLAvionics.co.za)

Our first shipment to MGL Avionics USA has left yesterday (Friday) and should be in L.A. on Monday. They are getting a limited number from the first batch (we divided the first batch between the various distributors) and are keeping a number for individual orders. Full, regular production of this unit is commencing now and the first lot of the regular production is expected to be ready for shipping in roughly 8 weeks.

CEO MGL Avionics

Wow Rainier! I've spent some time playing with the sim, and I am impressed. The XTreme is perfect for my needs and is going to make my panel upgrade MUCH simpler. You've done an excellent job on the user interface. It's very easy to use. The manual almost seems unnecessary! The wait has definitely been worthwhile. The fact that you're adding the autopilot functionality to it somewhere down the line is great. I do remember at some point in time you mentioned adding AoA capabilities to it through an external box. I'm also very interested in that, especially if it would be possible to have that box drive an LED array similar to other AoA systems. I would love to make an AoA HUD. As soon as MGL USA posts the price, I'll be ordering one!
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Here is what Rainier said on the Stratomaster yahoo group..

Re: XTreme EFIS is shipping

Posted by: "rainier_lamers"

Fri May 28, 2010 11:54 pm (PDT)

The only price I can give you is that of the local price in South African Rands.

R6813.00 (about $874 USD at todays rates)

This includes the local sales tax of 14%

This is for the basic panel. Other items would be SP-2 compass, SP-4 AHRS (if needed) and any of the RDAC units (as required for engine monitoring).
Only the SP-4 is of concern - it's almost the same price as the XTreme itself but the XTreme operates well without it (and the first firmware update includes the GPS based attitude anyway).

So with a compass, basic RDAC you would be looking at a bit over $1000 plus probes as needed.

Please note that prices in other countries can be higher due to shipping, duties, taxes and other cost of import (such as customs clearing fees etc). In some countries this can be quite substantial.

The prices mentioned above is at our factory door. Now you have a good reason to come and visit !

Price on US web site....

is $1250.00. Go here and click on the small PO link in the bottom left corner to order or see pricing.


I was a bit disappointed with the price. I was hoping for sub 1k for the basic eXtreme. With the Radac and AHRS you are looking at 2750.00 plus probes etc. But that's just me...
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is $1250.00. Go here and click on the small PO link in the bottom left corner to order or see pricing.


I was a bit disappointed with the price. I was hoping for sub 1k for the basic eXtreme. With the Radac and AHRS you are looking at 2750.00 plus probes etc. But that's just me...

Don't worry too much about the AHRS price - two reasons:
The XTreme can do a useful attitude based on GPS alone (and that is built in) - this is in particular a nice thing if you want the XTreme as a backup to an existing gyro based AHRS as you have a complete independent measurement. This can act as a valuable confirmation of your gyro derived attitude and a tie-breaker if you have a dual AHRS shoing different attitudes.

Second reason is that we are hard at work making a new AHRS that can be a lot cheaper. It's based on newly released MEMS gyros from ST Microsystems that cost only a fraction of the gyros we are using now. The ultimate version of this new gyro is not yet avalable (it packs the three gyros needed into a single chip) but has been promissed for end of the year.

CEO MGL Avionics
First batch has been sold (most went to the U.S.).
It's called the SP-7.
Sorry, no details on the website yet, still working on the web update.
Second batch in production now, first of these should be ready for shipping middle of next week.

New compass is also done, it's called the SP-6. We have not shipped any yet but these should leave here by tomorrow.

We will also be releasing a SP-8 which combines SP-6 and SP-7 into a single unit suitable for those installations where it is possible to locate compass and AHRS at the same location. This will be done the moment we can catch up our production backlog on the SP-6 and SP-7.


Here is a picture


Any updates on the new AHRS?
But the cost/price is the important missing info.

I can't answer this for the U.S. unfortunately - I am not at all in control of pricing there.
As for as our local price in South Africa is concerned, the price of the SP-7 has been set at about 1/2 of what a SP-4 used to cost. The reason for this is the lower price of the new gyro and also reduced assembly cost (one gyro device containing all three axis vs. three seperate gyro's needed previously).
The housing is more expensive than the previous version which adds slightly to the cost but it's worth it.
SP-6 is about the same price as before, slight savings in cost have been eliminated by larger PCB and the increased cost of the housing.

CEO MGL Avionics