
Well Known Member
I figured I'd start a new thread specifically for the Voyager product. I see that the MGL website has a new section specifically for Voyager.

One thing I had a question about was that the Voyager product will not have the Function keys on the left side of the screen and it will only have one rotating knob instead of 2 like the Odyssey. What are the Function keys and extra knob used for and will not having them limit the Voyager's functionality?

I figured I'd start a new thread specifically for the Voyager product. I see that the MGL website has a new section specifically for Voyager.

One thing I had a question about was that the Voyager product will not have the Function keys on the left side of the screen and it will only have one rotating knob instead of 2 like the Odyssey. What are the Function keys and extra knob used for and will not having them limit the Voyager's functionality?


I have been delaying submitting for mold production as the screen is not final yet (the physical screen dimensions, not the visible part but the invisible part) may still change as we try to get the maximum possible performance out of this thing.
In any case, for this reason and also partly because of what is happening in the Odyssey development, the function keys on the left will be available on Voyager as well. These have become a vital part in our new "sensor fusion" navigation engine. In effect it becomes the pilots quick&simple control over which of the many navigation sources (around 20!!) that Odyssey supports is the current one to use for routing to the various CDI and glide slope/altitude tracking displays and with this to the autopilot.
Two Rotary controls will also be available making Voyager in effect 100% an Odyssey with a smaller screen.

The addition of the function keys will make Voyager very slightly wider than anticipated - but it's very little.

CEO MGL Avionics
Thanks Rainier...glad to see that it won't be losing any functionality compared to the Odyssey. I have a feeling that the Voyager is going to be the "sweet spot" for the RV's because of the size.
Thanks Rainier...glad to see that it won't be losing any functionality compared to the Odyssey. I have a feeling that the Voyager is going to be the "sweet spot" for the RV's because of the size.

Yes, Yes it will!

I for one have been very impressed with the rate and way in which MGL is bringing their products to market here in the US. The new products and the features they are promising look outstanding. They also seem to be very in tune to what experimental customers need and want. They also seem to understand that inexpensive does not always equal cheap! I look forward to seeing how well their products hold up to the hipe over the next year or so.

The promiss of a Nav-Com that can interface with a EFIS/EMS and does not cost you your first born is very appealing!

Those of us that will be looking for a panel in a couple years have allot to look forward to as these vendors keep building value into their products! I was once sold on Dynon's value but now I am not so sure.

If all of this turns out to be true, it will be like getting a GRT system at a Dynon price.
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Thanks for the kind words,
but don't count Dynon out just yet - I'll bet my entire years pay that they are very well aware of what we are doing and are moving heaven and earth to match or beat us. If they do, I'll be just as happy as if they don't - in either case I've met my goal of better EFIS for less (even if it's not ours).
If that sounds strange - perhaps it is. :rolleyes:

In any case, look forward to the release in January of TEN !!! new instruments from us.
How is that for a teaser ? No, I'm not allowed to give any details yet.

CEO MGL Avionics

Yes, Yes it will!

I for one have been very impressed with the rate and way in which MGL is bringing their products to market here in the US. The new products and the features they are promising look outstanding. They also seem to be very in tune to what experimental customers need and want. They also seem to understand that inexpensive does not always equal cheap! I look forward to seeing how well their products hold up to the hipe over the next year or so.

The promiss of a Nav-Com that can interface with a EFIS/EMS and does not cost you your first born is very appealing!

Those of us that will be looking for a panel in a couple years have allot to look forward to as these vendors keep building value into their products! I was once sold on Dynon's value but now I am not so sure.

If all of this turns out to be true, it will be like getting a GRT system at a Dynon price.


Ok so I don't understand why I can't find something that will allow 30 inputs that I can map to one of the sceens the way I want . Hummm, mabe an electrical layout that will tell me when a breaker trips; Or will give me an indication of whats happening depending within my bird.

Oh yea and that will interface with my 430.
I'm also happy that the Voyager will have the same user interface (button & knobs) as the Odyssey. I like the features of the Odyssey but the size is a little large for the side-by-side 2 seater RVs; especially if you plan two displays for redundency.

Could we get an alert when the Odyssey documentation is released. Would be nice reading material while waiting for the Voyager display.
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Ok so I don't understand why I can't find something that will allow 30 inputs that I can map to one of the sceens the way I want . Hummm, mabe an electrical layout that will tell me when a breaker trips; Or will give me an indication of whats happening depending within my bird.

Oh yea and that will interface with my 430.

Look closer.
You can do exactly that with any of our Enigma, Odyssey and Voyager systems. (Odyssey and Voyager can interface to 430, Enigma not yet).

CEO MGL Avionics
I'm also happy that the Voyager will have the same user interface (button & knobs) as the Odyssey. I like the features of the Odyssey but the size is a little large for the side-by-side 2 seater RVs; especially if you plan two displays for redundency.

Could we get an alert when the Odyssey documentation is released. Would be nice reading material while waiting for the Voyager display.

Yes I will.
Couple of days, few chapters still missing...

CEO MGL Avionics

Look closer.
You can do exactly that with any of our Enigma, Odyssey and Voyager systems. (Odyssey and Voyager can interface to 430, Enigma not yet).

CEO MGL Avionics


Not exactly with the enigma (cereal yummy or Serial not arinc).....or it would be in my plane.......

As for the inputs......????????? How.....:eek:

Not exactly with the enigma (cereal yummy or Serial not arinc).....or it would be in my plane.......

As for the inputs......????????? How.....:eek:

Look at our little add-on (very inexpensive) called the I/O extender. Neat collection of analog and digital inputs and outputs to switch things.
How do you use it ? Well, the I/O extender manual gives much detail.

In a nutshell, you typically would create a screen containing the elements you would want to monitor - there are different categories, simple indicators, bargraphs, round gauges, X/Y displays etc, etc, Some things you may want to give alarms, others are "passive". Using the Screen designer you can create a nice layout of what you want to monitor including graphics primitives (lines, rectangles etc). You're completely free to go "mad" with this.
Another cool use of this little box is "remote control". You can assign three (or four) buttons on your joystick (if you have a fancy one) to the I/O Extender and with this you can bring up a remote control popup menu which allows you to perform common tasks whithout letting go of your joystick - it's mainly intended for the many helicopter applications that have adopted Enigma but of course this works in any aircraft.

Odyssey and Voyager have built in ARINC (not an expensive "option"). The current version of Enigma does not have ARINC but we are toying with the idea of another instrument in the Odyssey/Voyager line but with the screen size of an Enigma. This one does not have a name yet - Suggestions anyone ?

CEO MGL Avionics
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I am thinking one of these should score me a EFIS for the RV8.

sticking with the Enigma/Greek meme...

You could call it Colossus, after the machine in Bletchley Park they had for cracking the Enigma's codes. But with a name like that, it would have to be a 20" widescreen format, come with its own alternator, and pull double duty as cabin heat. Glass panel, like, mostly glass and not room for much else. Ancient Greek reference as an added bonus.

You tandem guys might be in a difficult spot with this one though. :D

Great suggestions guys...

I'll start a vote on the Stratomaster Newsgroup (where we can do a poll), say at the end of this working year which ends with us on Friday the 14th as this is our main holiday season (and the whole country shuts down).
I'm collecting all the suggestions and will put them to the vote and will also ask the guys on the Startomaster Users group to contribute.
The contributor who's name gets choosen gets a free instrument (of whatever name gets decided on). If the name has been contributed multiple times, the one who listed it first on either Vans or the Stratomaster group gets it.

Fair ?

The newsgroup is at:


MGL Avionics
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If you want to enter into the vote with the chance to win a free one, please select one of your names as your entry.

CEO MGL Avionics


I am thinking one of these should score me a EFIS for the RV8.


Well I just measured the instrument panel to see if the odyssey or voyager would fit.....Nope.....to big.....

So what is my next step...?
Well I just measured the instrument panel to see if the odyssey or voyager would fit.....Nope.....to big.....

So what is my next step...?


Anyway, the one being currently being named in the contest is the 'small' edition of the series where 'medium' is Voyager and 'large' is Odyssey. Maybe 'Explorer' will fit.
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Well I just measured the instrument panel to see if the odyssey or voyager would fit.....Nope.....to big.....

So what is my next step...?

Well, our "unnamed" baby is called internally "Enigma XL" but we don't want to use the "Enigma" name for it. It will have a different housing, probably slightly wider than the current Enigma to allow for a keypad on the left side and two rotary controls.

CEO MGL Avionics
Well, our "unnamed" baby is called internally "Enigma XL" but we don't want to use the "Enigma" name for it. It will have a different housing, probably slightly wider than the current Enigma to allow for a keypad on the left side and two rotary controls.

CEO MGL Avionics

NOW we are talking....I am left handed.......
Panel Planning

Any updated guesstimates on the panel cutout/sizes for the Voyager EFIS? Just working on a new panel layout (on paper) and need a placeholder.