
Well Known Member
RE: my new-to-me RV7A: My panel has a narrow section between the radio stack and the panel mounted Area 760. In that space are a 2.25" mag compass that does not work very well, a 2.25" airspeed indicator, and a 2.25" single pointer altimeter which with only one pinter is certainly not very accurate on a small dial. These are my backups to my Dynon D-100/D-129 set.

I don't have space for 3.125" instruments or a G-5 or MiniX or anything larger than 2.25".

MGL makes the Vega series of 2.25" electronic instruments. They are low power drain and could easily be wired to a backup battery in addition to the avionics bus. I'm considering the AHARS-3 for attitude and heading and the ASV-1 for altitude, airspeed, and vertical speed, plus the remote mag compass sensor.

So does anyone have any experience with this line of products?
I was one of the first to purchase the XTreme... they offered a $300 discount...:D

The unit was VERY easy to install. Easy to wire. Weighs nothing, and works better than expected. I have the brightness set at 75% and is still easy to read in direct sunlight. The manual is very complete. I think you will find the same from MGL.
pirep $0.02

I have a Vega control head for an MGL radio, which is probably not so relevant to what you are considering, other than that it has been trouble free and is bright and very easy to read. Maybe someone will come along with some more specific feedback.

Another 2" option for you to consider, if you haven't already done so, is the Uavionix AV-20. It has the added advantage of an AOA function plus TAS, density altitude and a few other features. Perhaps your magnetic backup compass can be corrected? I think that most people probably use GPS track nowadays.The rollbar brace-mounted compass that Vans sells is very good, we have one in our club RV.

I have a Dynon D180 without any backup other than a Garmin GPS and pedestal compass and am very comfortable with that arrangement for day VFR, fwiw.
I have had their EM1 engine monitor and their fuel totalizer since 2011 - earlier monochrome versions and they have been flawless