Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member

Updates to the V6 (also for V6 remote) are significant:

New digital audio filtering of the microphone signals with very steep responses based on cockpit spectral noise research results.
Faster reaction time for all Vogad noise reduction algorithms.
Longer delay to switch off for VOX intercom (extended to one second)
New band filter implementation for very noisy environments with two settings (Mild and Strong).
Dual volume settings: Radio RX and Intercom now have independent volumes. Rotate volume knob to set radio volume. Press volume knob briefly and then rotate to set Intercom volume.
RF feedback elimination system. Digital signal processing eliminates effects of RF feedback in compromised installations.
Doubled rate of radio status transmission on RS232 for remote control systems.
Modifications to PTT join/separate operation allows voice on intercom from blocked source but not on air.

The new DSP algorithms are developments of the existing ones I have been working on for some time. They effectively are pushing the limits of what is possible using the 32 bit ARM processor in the V6. The audio signal processing is done entirely in assembler using the fastest possible methods painstakingly developed step by step to squeeze the last drop of possible performance out of the hardware. The result is good.

Note: You can update the firmware on your V6 using an MGL iEFIS or Odyssey/Voyager G2 EFIS very easily.
Alternatively you can construct an RS232 cable with instructions provided in the above link and use the provided Windows application with a USB/RS232 dongle (unless you have a PC that has a built in RS232 port).
If you don't want to do it yourself, contact your MGL distributor.


CEO MGL Avionics
Sounds like an exciting update. I've recently been considering trying one of those leather microphone covers to see if I can reduce the ambient noise. I also used to experience what seemed to be RF feedback with a cheap headset. I'll be curious to see if this update helps.
Sounds exciting Rainier - we just took delivery of a V6 (and an iEFIS Discovery Lite) from Matt a couple of days ago for one of our projects. I hope to get the panel built ad fired up for testing in the next couple of weeks, and we'll have to make sure we have the latest software to play with!

Looking forward to checking out the MGL world this time around.
V6 firmware update

Matt says if you don't have the hardware( in case skills ) to update yourself, you can send to Matt with $10 for shipping and they will do it for you
Rainier, have the setup and operation instructions been revised to reflect the new features? The latest manual that I've found online is dated about 2011.
Looking forward to trying it out

Very much looking forward to trying this out, RV's are noisy buggers ;-)
Thanks for the continued support.
This kind of product enhancement is really something to behold. When I listened to the MGL radio several years ago, I was blown away by its intercom performance. Now MGL has spent more time characterizing noisy cockpits and hand-coding their software to get the absolute maximum performance from this radio. Truly amazing that a small company would do this.

I'm sure this software moves what was the best high-noise-environment radio up yet another notch. Truly impressive.
Version 310816

Just updated the V6 with the new firmware. Instructions page states "The current firmware version is 120816 (DDMMYY)." Version number on the V6 display shows as 310816S.
Update Completed

A couple of notes after doing the software update from 061015 to 310816. It pulled across my existing settings and memory channels. Receive and Intercom levels are now separate and Receive volume came up ?0? after the update, so you may have to turn up the volume (Intercom volume came up at the prior setting). To my ear the mic has a clearer sound, but I needed to turn up the VOX level or the mic remains open during climb-out. Measured sound level at the mic is 114dB, Litespeed Zulu.2 headset, VOX now set to 8.