
Active Member
I'm sure it is something that I am doing wrong, but how do I go about setting defaults in the MGL iEFIS in a way that they will persist past the next shutdown? For instance, something as simple as making the maps display "north up". They have to be reset every time the unit is powered up. The same goes for the transponder code, map decluttering, FIS display settings, barometer settings, etc.
I think this problem has been solved. I experienced a ?crash? that was due to a bad internal micro sd card. After replacing the bad card, internal battery, and rebuilding the system, these problems seem to have vanished.
Loss of default settings is usually due to a dead 2032 battery that should be replaced annually. I replace mine during the condition inspection
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Brad is correct.

There are two groups of settings - those that can change often and those that usually change very infrequently or at all.

Anything that could change often (from your last known GPS position to user map settings) get saved in a low power memory chip that needs a small CR2032 battery to backup. This battery typically lasts 5 years or so but we recommend you change it every two years (on our older systems).

The newer systems (i.e. the iEFIS range) also have these batteries but they do not discharge at all if you wire up according to instructions - with these you have a "keep alive" wire that should be wired permanently to your aircraft's battery positive. It draws a few micro-amps (much less than the self discharge rate of your aircraft battery). The EFIS's own battery is in that case only used briefly when you do maintenance and disconnect the aircraft battery.

Settings that change seldom are stored in a file on your internal SSD. The SSD (like any SD card, USB stick etc) uses flash memory which has limited write cycles so it eventually wears out (after a few thousand or so). By splitting the two into separate memories you effectively get unlimited memory write cycles.

The internal battery also takes care of running your real time clock for time keeping so you need that battery anyway...

CEO MGL Avionics