Carl Froehlich

Well Known Member
Now selecting the panel elements for the new RV-10 project. Here is the list of decisions made:
- Dual SkyView HDX displays
- SkyView XPDR
- SkyView ADS-B receiver
- SkyView autopilot servos and panel module
- Garmin GNC 355 (TSO GPS with Comm)

I note with dismay the very nice PS Engineering PDA-360EX audio panel is not longer produced. As such I’ve open the aperture to look at MGL products.

This would be:
Remote mount V16 for Comm #2
Remote mount N16 for NAV/LOC/GS
Razor head to run both the V16 and N16
Remote mount A-16 audio panel
Razor audio panel control module

This MGL Comm #2, NAV/LOC/GS and blue tooth stereo audio panel set will cost ~$3k, significant less than other options.

I’d appreciate any comments from builders who are familiar with these products.

Hi Carl,

Because of the nature of what I do, I have stuff from just about every manufacturer in my various panels. Our Xenos project as an S6 Comm radio, and while we haven’t flown with it, just playing with int the panel under construction, it seems to work fine.

The little jet has a V16 coupled to a Vega head (the Razor head was too large for the space), and it hasn’t given me any trouble, although the user interface with the Vega is just maybe one sigma on the “different” side - if you get distracted while tuning, you have to start over. I usually just tune it from the touch screen EFIS.

That’s about all I can tell you on the equipment you’ve listed.

V16 comments

I can comment only on the V16, which I have installed with a Vega control head.

The radio has been very good and it transmits and receives well in my installation, the built-in intercom is convenient and I use the dual frequency scanning all the time. The control head display is bright and clear and is easy to read, though the user interface is a bit fiddly because everything is done via two push/turn knobs. The Razor would probably be better, because it adds touch screen controls.

I'm honestly on the fence though about whether I'd buy another MGL product. The prices are lower than the competition and technically they are really good. However, support queries on the official MGL ZA forum seldom receive responses from a company rep and that would be my main concern, in case there was a problem that I could not resolve on my own. It's a shame, really.

Thanks for the responses. I’d prefer the Trig NAV/Comm to go with the GNC 355 but it is not yet available, and PS Engineering dropping the nice PDA 360EX means I need a new option for the audio panel.

The Garmin NAV/Comm and audio panel options are just not attractive for me.

I am spoiled by the superb Dynon after the sale service. Reports (here and other places) of MGL not meeting the same standard are concerning.

I am running a V16 and a N16 with a Razor head. The price was the selling point for me, the product is decent if not a touch unimaginative. I haven't had issues with the remote parts after getting past my own antenna/cable installation issues. I get decent performance from both radios although I am straddling a line between sidetone and feedback on the COM radio. The NAV radio has worked well, feeding my HDX and G5 backup. I've done ILS and VOR approaches and equipment held up its end of the bargain, with an inexpensive archer wingtip antenna.

The Razor head has been a bit less than what I'd hoped. There is a firmware upgrade that I need to apply that I haven't been able to get to work. This means I cannot remote tune a 25MHz frequency. The touch interface feels dated but works most of the time. I did have the unit fail on me after spending some time in the cold, but it came back when it went back into the heated hangar.

MGL support has been there for the most part, through their support forum where the owner pitched in a few answers and through the US reseller, Michigan Avionics that knows the product very well.

If I were to buy again, I'd probably go the same route. It does the job, it just doesn't have anything other than the price that makes you go wow. There also aren't many options that are so good about not using much panel space.
Thanks for the responses. I’d prefer the Trig NAV/Comm to go with the GNC 355 but it is not yet available, and PS Engineering dropping the nice PDA 360EX means I need a new option for the audio panel.

Carl - please forgive me for being so abrupt in my comments, but I just have to say it.

You are absolutely NOT limited to the PDA360EX. Yes, it's a great audio panel. Yes it works very well. Yes I love the one I have installed.

While it may cost a few more $$ you can very easily install one of PS Engineering's "certified" audio panels and experience the best audio in the industry. Pin-for-pin compatibility is one of the hallmarks of PS Engineering's designs. I swapped a brand new "certified" PMA8000B for the PDA360EX because I wanted Bluetooth and the USB charging capability... the only tool used for the job was the hex key!

Many people are upgrading from PMA450A to PMA450B. See if you can pick up a 450A at a good (used) price. They are an excellent panel and, in most respects, a bit of a step up from the 360EX in terms of the number of features inside the box. User interface is very similar between 360EX and 450A/B.

Your ears are your primary interface to your aircraft - you don your headset before you crank the engine and don't take it off again until after you've shut down. You will never regret installing a PS Engineering product. Don't settle for anything less.
Carl F - I’m surprised the PAR200B hasn’t been mentioned- it’s an audio panel/with radio controls connected to a remote mount Trig transceiver - but you probably knew that. The cost is a bit too high IMO though🙄.
I would consider either going for a PSE PMA450 (used or new) or better yet a PSE PAR200B audio panel factoring in the monetary credit for it replacing the MGL V16 #2 com. Personally I had trouble with an MGL comm of an earlier model (V10) and swore off them as too complicated to set up and use for anything less than an electronics engineer. Hope the new stuff is easier. The Trig remote com as part of the PMA200B is solid and foolproof and supports remote tuning through the SL40 protocol while taking up no panel space. And PSE is the gold standard which is why you were attracted to them on your initial cut. The PAR200B audio panel also integrates Bluetooth functionality and eliminates the Razor audio control panel. Then you would have only one Razor control panel for the N16.

You could eliminate component count by going with a GTN over the GNC but that’s a costly route. Although one might take solace with the market values of flying RV-10s and Washington DC printing dollars so intermediate assets have more intrinsic value than money.
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I also found the MLG comm to be overly complicated. It has too many options when all I want to do is receive and transmit.
Carl F - I’m surprised the PAR200B hasn’t been mentioned- it’s an audio panel/with radio controls connected to a remote mount Trig transceiver - but you probably knew that. The cost is a bit too high IMO though🙄.

This was my first “Plan B” option. At $3K it is a little pricey but considering the comments so far I suspect I’ll be happier with it.

I have installed the GTN-650 in two RVs and I really do not want to use it again for this last project, thus the focus on using the GNC 355.

On the Val option, I have never flown with it so will need to investigate.

Thanks for all the thoughtful responses,
Curious: With all the Dynon hardware (glass) going into the panel, why not match it with the Dynon COM equivalents?
Curious: With all the Dynon hardware (glass) going into the panel, why not match it with the Dynon COM equivalents?

The Dynon radio as Comm #2 is flying in all three of my RV builds. I find it better than most standard stand alone comms (and as good as the GTN-650 radio).

For this install I do not want to again use the GTN-650, instead use the GNC-355. As such I’m looking for a stand alone NAV and a Comm 2. If Dynon would just offer a NAV/Comm I’d use that (I’ve pinged Dynon on this for a year or so, no joy).

A wonderful SL-30 would fit the bill, but don’t want to have a non-supported panel component (too bad Garmin killed it off). I do not find the Garmin NAV/Comm offering attractive.

As the PDA-360EX audio panel is no longer available, the PS-Engineering audio panel with the comm installed (Comm #2) bubbles up the list. That and perhaps a stand alone MGL NAV may be the best option. I wish to retain ILS capability.

Of course, thinking outside the box, you could post a “Want to Buy” for a PDA-360EX, and se if anyone has one…..

I just installed the Val NAV 2000 in my 14. I've had it in for about a month and it works as advertised connected to my G3x Touch emulating an SL-30. Not familiar with the COM product.

I looked at the MGL product but decided against it because of needing a Vega/Razor. The Val NAV has a built in display of the Freq in use.

I used the internal wingtip mounted antenna I got from Stein.