Bill Phillips

Well Known Member
Looking at the Odysseys with SV for my RV. Some folks say the screen is slower than AFS & GRT SVs. That it is jerky in transition and generally inferior to the others. I have never seen a MGL nor do I know anybody with one installed and flying. Now their price does beat some of the others. What is the truth? Who has a MGL Odysseys and can speak about it compared to the others? Thanks, Bill of Georgia
MGL Odyssey

Hi Bill,

I have been flying behind the Odyssey for 9 months. All I can say in a few words is 'Fantastic product and support'. The screen refresh is very fast I have never seen any lag or anything that would cause me any concern. The new CPU only promises to make a great product even better.

John H.
RV-9 N194JH
110.5 Hrs
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Hi Bill,
I have 2 Voyagers (same as the Odyssey in every way, except smaller screen at 8.4 inches). They are smooth and not jerky at all. What you may have heard was someone's account of the simulator software that MGL provides. I know that it's refresh rate is much slower than the actual product.

Regarding support of the product, it is definitely top notch.

Have been flying an Odyssey and an Enigma since February.

Great product. Screen is highly visible even in direct sunlight. Everything works and the refresh rate is smooth and fast.

I love them.
Hi Bill,
I have 2 Voyagers (same as the Odyssey in every way, except smaller screen at 8.4 inches). They are smooth and not jerky at all. What you may have heard was someone's account of the simulator software that MGL provides. I know that it's refresh rate is much slower than the actual product.

Regarding support of the product, it is definitely top notch.

Yes, this is true and it seems many think that the simulators screen update rate equals that of the real product. This is not the case (not even close).
I am aware that one of our esteemed competitors likes to tell their prospective costomers about our "low resolution screens and slow frame rates and a few other horror stories" - this kind of thing tends to get back to us as some will want to verify this - we are not concerned, by now there are so many of our instruments flying the word will get out eventually.
The simulators main function is to act as screen designer for those that want to modify existing screens or design their own. For this it is usefull to be able to simulate what the real instrument would look like if it has real data.
It uses standard Windows GDI drawing with some Direct-X drawing just to keep things sane. Unless you have a super fast system it is quite slow (perhaps two updates per second).
The real instrument does not use a standard operating system and so can do something not generally possible in the "normal" frame buffer kind of way.
In effect, each screen item has its own update rate - exactly tailored to the rate that data for this item is updated. In a way each item has its own dedicated frame buffer (we have to fake this in Windows adding to the slow drawing on that platform).
We try and keep numeric readouts from updating too fast - most are limited to 4 times per second, some we allow 10 times per second. The reason for this is to avoid "blur" and is an ergonomic consideration to preserve readability (your brain needs time to recognize the number).
The maximum rate that an item can update varies a bit with the instruments and ranges from about 25 times per second to 60 times per second which is the actual frame rate that images are drawn on the LCD display itself.
With the new graphics processor it is 59.9 times per second (to be exact) which is simply dictated by the VGA standard as we make a normal, completely standard VGA connector available at the back of the unit so you can plug in any PC compatible monitor (consider a smaller 12V based flat screen for a second seat - tandem seater for example).
If the screen refresh where slower than 59.9 Hz, the monitor would refuse to show a picture.

CEO MGL Avionics
Rainer, I already have TruTrac servos for my RV-8a. On your webb site it says for the Odyssey (using the Trio AP servos) all that would be required would be a 'Com Extender & Harness' to have a two axis AP. Does that mean I would not have to purchase and install the AP Control Head ? That all the functions that the Tru Trac DigiFlight II VS will perform will be accomplished via the Odyssey ? Will the Odyssey display fuel levels for the RV capacitor system ? Hope to learn more and best regards, Bill

we make a normal, completely standard VGA connector available at the back of the unit so you can plug in any PC compatible monitor (consider a smaller 12V based flat screen for a second seat - tandem seater for example).

CEO MGL Avionics

Thanks, this is exactly what I have been looking for to put in the back of an 8.
Rainer, I already have TruTrac servos for my RV-8a. On your webb site it says for the Odyssey (using the Trio AP servos) all that would be required would be a 'Com Extender & Harness' to have a two axis AP. Does that mean I would not have to purchase and install the AP Control Head ? That all the functions that the Tru Trac DigiFlight II VS will perform will be accomplished via the Odyssey ? Will the Odyssey display fuel levels for the RV capacitor system ? Hope to learn more and best regards, Bill

Trutrak has not given us permission to use their servos so we will not.
In this case you do not need the COM extender and you need the Trutrak control head. Depending on what you get you can connect that via both NMEA and ARINC to the Odyssey (or Voyager and hopefully not in the too distant future the Explorer EFIS).

Capacitor fuel pickups are fine as long as they are compatible with a normal resistive sender output or can produce a low impedance voltage output somewhere in the range of 0 to 2.5V. Sonex sells compatible capacitive senders that work well with our instruments but others do as well.

CEO MGL Avionics
Thanks for the info. I like what I've seen and heard. I called Matt for a price quote. Thanks again, Bill of Georgia
Hello Rainier, when we'll have the new G2 manual released?


It's been behind quite badly mostly due to the rapid development of the system and due to a PC crash that wiped out all my hard work (Yes I know, should have made a backup).
Luckily it's not too much of a train smash as the system is quite easy and straight forward to use so few have any trouble (in any case the G1 manual is still very valid).
But yes, I know, I have to get moving - it does not look good this way. Trouble with too many things to do, too little time...

I'm currently working on the ADS-B (traffic and WX) and Jeppesen navdata integration (This is now effectively finished and will be officially announced at Osh).
I'll take a breather after this and do some recreational manual writing...

CEO MGL Avionics
