Scott Burling

I'm New Here
Dont see anything on the MGL Odyssey. curently looking at an 7A with the big MGL box and dont know anything about. Who has them? pros and cons? Help!
I had 2 in a 10. They do almost everything. Pretty easy to use in flight and you can design your own pages on the Sim. I had one with giant engine gages for test flights. AOA, airspeed callouts, and warnings are nice. Autopilot works.
See the Temp Posts

Have a look at the "Severe clear FINALLY" in the Temporary posts.

RV8 C-GOGO flying in -20 Deg C temps.

Perhaps not a factor in LA, but nice to know they are robust.

My own MGL EFIS has been 100% reliable for me, currently in it's 3rd winter of service.

One feature of some of the large screen MGL offerings allows you to link a camera to the display for better forward vis on the ground. See the following link.
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Our 9A (bought flying) has the Odyssey, and I generally like it. It has a bit of a learning curve as far as programming, but it is quite flexible. There's also an MGL forum where you can post and get assistance. I have a Mac computer, so I installed a Windows operating system in a virtual machine so I could run the MGL software.

One of many nice features is the SD card which logs all your flight data, from CHTs to altitude and everything else. After landing, you can pop out the SD card, bring it to your PC, and export all the data in various formats. You can also output a Google Earth track of your flight.

Our Odyssey isn't the newest revision, so its backlight in night mode isn't as dim as the newer model offers, but I fly day VFR anyhow.

Our heading indicator runs off of an older version MGL sensor and is essentially a compass - turns to headings take some getting used to, much like turns using the standard compass.