John H

Active Member
Hi All,

In concert with Matt, I have compiled the latest, FAA, GPX and obstical data for the G1 and G2 systens.

I will keep up the currency of the file as the FAA releases the data. Again this is experimental so use accordingly.

The link for download is as follows,

The current file is dated 08-23-2011

This is the September 2011 Cycle release

I recommend you read the following as copied from the SA web site with a few changes.

Navidata file download for coverage region USA as determined by NACO/FAA
This is a new navidata file download available from MGL Avionics. Please consider this "experimental".

The Navidata file is based on NACO publication "National Flight Database (NFD)".

NACO/FAA requires that their disclaimer is published. Please download and view

This data has been extracted from the NFD and augmented with data from third party sources by MGL Avionics. Please read the following disclaimer related to the MGL Avionics involvement of this data compilation:

"All data contained in this Navidata file download has been compiled based on data provided by third parties. MGL Avionics does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this data in any way. It is the pilots responsibility to verify the data to be used before flight for correctness. Any data may be incorrect, outdated or contain errors introduced by the compilation process. By downloading and using this data, you will not hold MGL Avionics, the FAA, NACO or any other data source responsible for any incidence arrising out of the use of this data.
The data in this Navidata download can be checked/verified by means of the G2 simulator using a simulated flight.
If you do not agree with this, do not use this data."

About this Navidata file:

This Navidata file is intended for use with Odyssey and Voyager G1 or G2 systems. This file is not intended for use with Enigma systems.

The following items are included:

Waypoints/Reporting points (FAA/NACO)
Navaids (NDB, VOR etc) (FAA/NACO)
Airports (FAA/NACO)
Airport runways (FAA/NACO)
Airport communications (; Note: NFD does not currently contain airport communications records.
Airspaces (FAA/NACO/MGL); Note: MGL added FIR airspaces, these are not contained in the FAA publication.
Obstacles (FAA/NACO); Note: Obstacles are currently implemented on G2 systems only (version or higher)

Requirements: To use this file, please ensure that both simulator and EFIS firmware are at the following minimum version numbers.
Do not use this navidata file with earlier versions as this can lead to serious system malfunction, upgrade is mandatory.
G1: Version
G2: Version

G1 systems:
Copy file to SD card and using "Installation tasks", install the file onto your EFIS.
Alternatively, copy file to SD card and use from SD card. This option can be used if you want to use a second, installed Navidata file. The G1 system will use the Navidata file installed on the SD card if such a file exists, even if a file has been installed.

G2 systems:
If this is the only navidata file you will be using:
Use "installation tasks" to install the navidata file onto your EFIS.
If you would like to use more than one navidata file:
The last letter of the "navidata" word is a "region code" from "a" to "z". Change this letter as required for your system, for example "navidatb.ewd". Install the file onto your system using "installation tasks". Then select the desired navidata file to be active using the region selection in your "NAV" selection menu (left hand keys).
John Higgins
RV-9 N194JH