
Active Member
I am slowly learning how to setup and run the MGL iEFIS and it sure seems like I have quite a way to go. In the video linked below, I had an RNAV approach loaded into the 430W and had it driving the MGL autopilot through the iEFIS. As you can see, the autopilot is tracking the command bar but every so often, the command bar absolutely jumps to the right. It instantly rolls over about 30 degrees, then slowly recovers, rinse and repeat. Any ideas?

The second issue is that it would fly to the initial IAF just fine, then attempt to fly the course reversal (not very well, but I'm sure that is a result of not fine tuning the settings just yet). Upon reaching the FAF, the autopilot would disconnect from navigation and go into a straight and level mode while displaying a message in red saying that the HSI wasn't being fed information. The command bar and the two deviation indicators continued to work properly. I tried it twice and got the same result at the same point both times. What am I missing?
iEfis Autopilot

Did you record the ARINC data during the approach? If not please refly and record the ARINC data during the approach and send it to me, I will forward it to Rainier with your explanation and video link and he can figure out what is happening. You can also play the approach back yourself in the simulator by loading and selecting the ARINC data and selecting external ARINC for GPS Nav position during the playback.

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Something not right here - it's following a GPS track. What part of the approach is the video showing ?
The director is flipping to maximum bank angle (30 degrees limited by firmware).

You say it works OK up to the IAP but then looses it ? Are both ARINC 1 and ARINC 3 inputs wired and are they receiving data (check using the ARINC diagnostics) It needs information from both feeds to determine exactly what mode the approach is in and what ARINC labels to use.

Does it switch to ILS ? - you should see the HSI switch to blue localizer when the 430 hits the IAP. If it goes into hold level and course it means it is no longer getting any useful input from the 430 (which leads me to think one of your ARINC feeds is offline).

You can record the ARINC data for the entire sequence to a file as mentioned. This creates a file on your external SD Micro card called ARINC.REC. You can e-mail that to me and I can play it back here in the simulator - that usually shows up exactly what is going on.

You will find the function to start and end the ARINC recording in your Diagnostics menu. Don't forget to end the recording when you are done so the file gets closed.

CEO MGL Avionics
I'll try to look up and learn how to use the ARINC diagnostics.

Unfortunately I can't use the external Micro SD card to record info because something mechanical is wrong with it and the card won't lock into place.

Using the 430w/530w integration guide, shows that there is two way communication at least durning the 430W BIT test. When on the startup page, the HSI CDI shows the proper test positions and if you adjust the OBS on the iEFIS, the result will show on the 430W test page.
You have three connections in total to make this work.
Two are RX from the 430, one contains GPS related info, the other contains ILS/VOR info. There are also some "random" labels scattered across both to figure out the current navigation mode (that seems to be missing in your case).
The third connection is the TX from the EFIS.
From your tests we know that at least that is working.
BTW, make sure the 430 is set to use GAMA protocol on the ARINC - not sure what will happen if that is set to something else.

CEO MGL Avionics