Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
I have posted a Beta update for the G2 on www.MGLAvionics.co.za

This includes support for Navworx ADSB receivers. Currently only ADSB-IN is enabled - we are waiting for finalization of the protocol details for ADSB-OUT from Navworx.

Supported are:
a) Nexrad regional and Nexrad Conus USA radar images overlay on moving map.
b) Metars with blue/green/yellow/red VFR-IFR flags on moving maps (flags shown next to airports with metars). These flags also show on the synthetic vision if you approach an airport that has a metar in your system.
Metars can be viewed in full through the nearest airports menu. Also available from here are any TAFs if those have been broadcast.
c) Traffic.

I'll keep this beta for a week or two and if there are no major snags reported it will go main stream.

CEO MGL Avionics