
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
A famously skilled RV pilot has just asked to borrow your airplane. There are no issues with insurance, and you have no reservations whatsoever about giving him the controls. Yet, you are slightly worried because ? alas ? he has never operated the type of Glass Cockpit equipment you have installed. Afraid that he might run in to one of those little ?traps? that all complex software systems exhibit to the uninitiated, you take a few moments to brief him on the top ten ?tricks? you have learned that make flying with your personal EFIS easy and stress-free. We all learn short-cuts and signatures that help us more than the structured manuals ever could - now it is time to share those tips with the rest of the world!

If you have more than a few hours behind the MGL EFIS, how about listing a few of the items you?d share with the finest pilot you?ve ever met if he (or she) was going to fly your plane.

I know you are not talking about the Xtreme. But that is what I have.

For the Xtreme, leave it on the main page. Examine the screen for about 45 seconds, show how to set the baro........ done
I think I'm up to about 114 hours behind my MGL Voyagers. My guess is that most who have the MGL EFIS systems have modified them at least a little bit to custom fit their needs. Obviously this has it's pro's and con' I'll just throw out a couple of "generic" items that may help someone unfamiliar with my system.

1. Being that the layout is completely configurable, it'll probably do someone a lot of good to spend a few minutes learning where things are on the screen (ASI, Alt, heading, etc) before flying behind it. But that said, most users set them up in the "typical" EFIS fashion of airspeed on the left, altitude on the right, heading on the top.

2. Any of the numbered keys on the left will bring you to a different screen, but most (at least mine) is setup so that #1 brings you to the "default", most commonly used screen.

3. If you are in the menu system and don't know where you're at, just hit the menu button 2 or 3 times to get back to one of the main screens.

Lastly, I would suggest not worrying about all the "other" stuff the Voyager can do, and focus on the basics so you can fly the airplane. Sure, it has an autopilot, GPS, route manager, etc, etc, etc...but you don't need any of that to fly the airplane. Learn the basics on Screen #1 and you'll be OK.
I'm not yet flying with my MGL Odyssey; but wanted to mention that the MGL Enigma, Voyager & Odyssey all have simulators.

So, perhaps an hour or so with the simulator on the ground would help to become familiar with the basic functions.
Odyssey quick start

1) Find your flight info (6 pack) on the home screen.
2) Find your engine & fuel info same place.
3) Keypad 1-9: Flight screens on the left, maps on right, spitscreens down the middle.
4) Hit zero for database. Nearest first with search feature. Autoloads HITS, punches com frequencies. Fly through the boxes, don't hit the rocks.
5) Everything color coded: Green good, Red bad.
6) Cyber girl voice will tell you if something real bad is going on.
7) AP straight/level on stick. Multiple AP options on left side keypad.

That will get you there. As stated, if you get balled up just punch menu until you're out. Or reboot (6-7 seconds)
Hi MGL Avionics users,

Here are some quick links for you!

Search our Knowledge Base for all installation and other questions. You can also find all our manuals on this knowledge base, so if you are unsure of which manual you are looking for, just type your question in here:

You can find quick links to all EFIS firmware updates here:

For US Navidata and other databases, see this link:

For Odyssey Gen 2 Instruction videos, see this link:


