
Well Known Member
MGL offer two servos, True Track and their own, which one?

I am leaning towards their own servo, the only possible negatives are discussed in their literature. 1: Light servo drag can be felt in the controls. 2: light shudder can be felt due to the trim feed back system.

Are these issues a problem?

How does the GPS map resolution compare to say Dynon Skyview? Resolution appears chunky on their own literatue.
Trio servos, not TruTrack. I may have this wrong, but I think MGL servos allow out-of trim sensing. I'm using the Trio servos with Odysseys and they work fine. I'm not sure if they can be used with the new iEFIS though since it uses a CAN bus instead of RS232.
You can use either servo type with the Odyssey, no problem.
The MGL servo has higher performance in particular much faster positioning and far greater accuracy. This becomes significant if you have a pitch sensitive aircraft with noticably better control in turbulent conditions.
It can also deliver more torque.
The MGL servo is a professional level product and has a higher price. A set of them just completed a circumnavigation flying a Sling 4 seater about 99.5% of the time (the remainder is actual take off and finals, everything else with AP engaged). The AP distinguished itself by saving the mission on at least one occasion by taking control during a developing emergency during a severe storm at night after the pilots took manual control to descend rapidly to just above sea level but lost orientation in the turbulent darkness. The AP righted and stabilized the aircraft and put it back on track.

Control drag, though higher than with a clutched servo such as the Trio, is completely unnoticable in flight, even in the Sling aircraft which has extremely light controls.

CEO MGL Avionics
What a story!!

Wow...lives possibly saved!

A similar event happened to a friend of mine who is a student pilot with his own Cirrus 20. On a trip from Georgia to Florida, he encountered extremely heavy smoke with no visibility and relied on the autopilot to penetrate and exit the smoke safely!
