
I'm New Here
I have an MGL explorer and am thinking of installing a Garmin GPS175 for rnav approach capability.
Does anyone know if the Garmin flight plan will show on the MGL map or will it only output to the MGL HSI.
This seems to be a difficult one to answer - I am unable to find any install or other manual on this product.

Generally the Garmin navigators are connected to ARINC port #1 and ARINC port #3 on the EFIS. Port 1 being used for LOC/GS/VOR and Port 3 does the GPS. The EFIS understands the GAMA protocol - this should be configured at the Garmin.
On the EFIS you would select port 1 and 3 as "composite" - it means they work together. Gamin uses some labels to switch modes affecting how the other port needs to use data its receives.

Under your system diagnostics you have an built in ARINC analyzer. This can be useful. Select the label you are interested in (you can select more than one) and it shows you the data received. Labels 100 and 261 are important - try and get to see those on the analyzer. If that happens things should start working.

The EFIS will show the usual stuff HSI, do ILS and GS and show routes on the map etc (The routes are sent from the Garmin via the ARINC to the EFIS). Note that these routes cannot be edited on the EFIS - you have to do that at source.

Unfortunately without more information on how and what the 175 does this is about all the information I can give you. I know some of the other GPS navigators that use ARINC appear to work fine.

BTW, ARINC port 2 is a dedicated "high speed" ARINC port for traffic information. Any device that sends traffic information via ARINC can be connected here.

CEO MGL Avionics
Thanks Rainier
I have now fitted the Garmin GPS 175 but not yet flown it.
Wiring and set up has been done as per the Garmin 400/500 Arinc integration guide and things are looking promising.
The Garmin test page shows half left indication but nothing on fly up / down, the map gives a line from present position to Garmin HQ. Any idea where I might be wrong with the vertical nav ?
Thanks Rainier
I have now fitted the Garmin GPS 175 but not yet flown it.
Wiring and set up has been done as per the Garmin 400/500 Arinc integration guide and things are looking promising.
The Garmin test page shows half left indication but nothing on fly up / down, the map gives a line from present position to Garmin HQ. Any idea where I might be wrong with the vertical nav ?

Garmin Test page ?
The EFIS does not send any navigation information to the Garmin - this works the other way around- the Garmin sends information TO the EFIS for display...

The EFIS does send some information to the Garmin such as magnetic heading from the compass.
I didnt explain that very well.
When the Garmin is on it's test page the MGL HSI should show half left and half up indications but at the moment it only show half left - nothing on the glideslope.
Ah OK, then we are good.

As far as the vertical goes - in GPS navigation mode it uses the EFIS altitude bug (so the EFIS Altitude bug is the control for the autopilot - the GPS does the lateral).
If your Garmin goes into ILS mode (and tells the EFIS about it) then the EFIS will take the vertical guidance from the Garmin.
For VOR the EFIS altitude bug is the guide as well.
