
Active Member
When using the wifi feature of the echoUAT in conjunction with Foreflight on my iPad, traffic seems to show up great. For some reason, or a combination of many reasons, I don't see traffic on the MGL iEFIS despite having it wired and configured as suggested here:

When I go into the diagnostics, I can see that there is data being transmitted on RS232 input #1 (echoUAT) and on RS232 input #2 (Sandia STX-165R).

I'm fairly new to the MGL and finding the learning curve to be fairly steep. Thanks for all of ya'lls help.
MGL ADSB display issue

Send me a PM with your phone number and I'll call and help you out. But do need to know which EFIS you have to start the trouble shooting.

Send me a PM with your phone number and I'll call and help you out. But do need to know which EFIS you have to start the trouble shooting.


Thanks for the very generous offer Cecil, contact info sent. I've been reading a lot trying to learn the system and its quite obvious that you are one of the top three guys on these units in the world. In fact, if you lived closer to me, I might have to bribe, coerce, blackmail, or kidnap you in order to help me get this unit squared away and train me on the care and feeding of the G3 Challenger.

Rainier informed me that the MGL filters out all returns outside of a ten mile range, which I didn't know. It makes sense though, since overloading the RS232 data stream with targets seems to be a known issue with the echoUAT. I'm sure that is at least part of what I was experiencing. I reloaded the recent echoUAT software updates and after cycling the unit, it seems to be behaving much better.

I still have tons of questions and would love to meet you in person one day, especially if you ever decide to put on a MGL seminar. :D
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