Ranier, can the TC-6 (12-channel thermocouple) be configured for 4 CHT, 4 EGT, and 4 "other" inputs? It would be great to be able to use those extra four inputs for things like Oil Temp, Carb Temp, OAT, etc. if possible, on a 4-cylinder installation.

Heck, if the DAC is intelligent enough, it would be even better if you could use the extra 4 as temp or pressure inputs... Oil, Fuel, etc.
Ranier, can the TC-6 (12-channel thermocouple) be configured for 4 CHT, 4 EGT, and 4 "other" inputs? It would be great to be able to use those extra four inputs for things like Oil Temp, Carb Temp, OAT, etc. if possible, on a 4-cylinder installation.

Heck, if the DAC is intelligent enough, it would be even better if you could use the extra 4 as temp or pressure inputs... Oil, Fuel, etc.

It's intended for the typical EGT/CHT split (say 4+4 or 6+6).
The short answer is "no" however you are correct - it's all in the software but all inputs are themocouple inputs so the cannot be used for things like oil temp or pressures etc.

CEO MGL Avionics
Rainier, thanks for introducing these! I've had my fingers crossed for several years hoping you would.

Although I'm a fan of modern EFIS systems, I find them expensive overkill for VFR flight. Your stuff fits nicely into the newest trend for VFR back-country aircraft as well as back-up to EFIS systems.

Conspicuous by it's absence is an HSI... am I missing something?

Cheers, Vern
Interesting point.
We never had a request for one...
Even though we just released our long awaited NAV radio there still is no need since all required indications are either provided by the heads or by EFIS systems.

It's taken a while for our small singles to go color - in part this was due to patiently waiting until we could source suitable displays we would be happy with in the cockpit at a price that was right. They had to be really nice in all light condition and as I am sure those of you that work with these things can attest - that is not as simple as one would like.

CEO MGL Avionics
what will the price be for the attitude indicator?

Not certain yet - should know very soon.
The Blaze range should start shipping next month but not all of the range is ready, as far as the attitude indicator is concerned there is still some uncertainty as currently these are based on external AHRS boxes. I am looking to include the gyros in the unit for simplicity (but also allow external AHRS systems so you can take advantage of high performance AHRS where required).

Should know more in a month or so.

BTW, these devices (in fact all singles and the XTreme EFIS and EMS) are not made by MGL Avionics but sold under our brand name. They are made just up the road from us by a company called Infinitec. Infinitec is run by my nephew Franz Lamers. He originally took over our "smart singles" and started his own company with them. At the time I was planning to discontinue that range as we got too busy and started running around like headless chickens trying to fill orders.

I still give input at times on these products but for the most part Franz runs his own shop...

CEO MGL Avionics
Interesting point.
We never had a request for one...
Even though we just released our long awaited NAV radio there still is no need since all required indications are either provided by the heads or by EFIS systems.

It's taken a while for our small singles to go color - in part this was due to patiently waiting until we could source suitable displays we would be happy with in the cockpit at a price that was right. They had to be really nice in all light condition and as I am sure those of you that work with these things can attest - that is not as simple as one would like.

CEO MGL Avionics

It could be used as a magnetic heading indicator, thus completing a six-pack. If you could emulate round dials on the ASI and Altimeter, better yet!