Chris Newbe

I'm New Here
I know little to nothing about non-certificated avionics, what are the thoughts about this unit? How does it compare to Dynon?
Again thanks for your help.
I know little to nothing about non-certificated avionics, what are the thoughts about this unit? How does it compare to Dynon?
Again thanks for your help.

Chris......... I found this for you to read. By entering the key word "odyeesy" after clicking search found in the top blue line at the top of this page. I am sure that you will find all you want to know about that product..... But if you don't, then come back to here and ask..........:p

Have fun....
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Chris, I purchased this month the Odyssey and Trio AP based on the advise and experience of several member's response to my 7 August thread quary. I have now received the kit and it seems like a fine product, but I need a bit more assistance on how to install it in the RV-8a I've built. I have sent pleas to the fellows that said they use them for some photos and installation logs, but have not received any response much yet. Still, I have full faith in the good will of good men and expect to hear and see something that will help real soon. Best regards, Bill of Georgia
Hey Bill, I got your voicemail a couple days ago, but I'm on vacation until late friday. Call me on saturday and I can try to answer your questions.
MGL Screen Designer

One big difference between the MGL Odyssey and, I think, all other EFIS?s out there is that the screen is totally configurable. You can download the Simulator and Screen Designer from the MGL site and totally design how you want the screens, 9 of them, to look. And when I say ?totally?, I mean it. You can design you own from scratch or just tweak on the screens that come with the unit. You can even design round steam gauges if that fits your fancy. I?ve done this, it works. For me, it?s fun. After you design the screen you can simulate inputs to it and watch it work. Very cool. Plus, for me it sits well with the spirit of being an airplane builder. I get to also build my screen. I don?t like the idea of having limitations. I have a road Garmin and I have ideas on what I think would make it better for me, but I can?t change it. With the MGL, I?ll change it if I want to.