Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
Here are some images taken from the new Odyssey MKII simulator (very small images in respect of your bandwidth). If you are interested in larger versions and more info, have a look at the www.MGLAvionics.co.za website.

In short, the MKII upgrade adds a new, quite powerful graphics engine and faster processor and of course completely redone software with many new or enhanced functions taking the functionality of these systems to even higher levels. All this is now available at the old price giving an incredible amount of "bang for the buck".
Even better - if you own an Odyssey or Voyager - you can have your unit upgraded to this at reasonable cost.


Basic image showing runways on approach to LAX

Switching the Synthetic vision to FLIR, one of four external video feeds you can use (and it does VGA out as well for a cheap second screen).

Showing the HITS in action

Approaching the coast

Splitting the screen

Bigger engine monitor ?

maps can go continent wide (even larger than shown here)

Flying with plates - here is a geo-referenced plate of LAX

Or here a typical approach plate

And we can do holds real easy...

There is an incredible amount of detail to this system. But its easier to use than before.
The manuals covering the new systems are not yet out but should start rolling in within the next few days. The new screen designer/simulator is available now.
The new systems now contain a library of built in screens and engine selections - but, you can still create your own or modify our screens, just as before.

CEO MGL Avionics
Hey Rainier,

Looks great!

Would you remind those of us less familiar with your product line what the source is for airspace, airways, and geo-referenced plates, and what the cost is for those?
Hey Rainier,

Looks great!

Would you remind those of us less familiar with your product line what the source is for airspace, airways, and geo-referenced plates, and what the cost is for those?

Plates - Nacomatic. Cost: Free.
You use a small tool you can download from our website to create plate library files (for example, rather than mess with dozens or hundreds of plate files for a big airport they all get packed into a single file with that airports name). You can use as many of these as you like and you can include any image (not just a PDF file). You can georeference anything you like.
Plate libraries are split into airport related libraries (one per airport typically) and a "Info" library where everything else goes into - including your shopping list.
Some of our distributors may offer plates collections for a small fee if you don't want to do this yourself (it's quite easy and you do most work only once even if you get an update later).

Airspace and airport data plus other navigation data (navaids etc) - Free data included or import from FAA via ARINC 424 files, needs subscription.
You can remain "free" as all data is user editable and creatable. You can get nice free data for just about anywhere from Navaid.com (no airspaces but everything else) and we can use that.
Subscription products like PocketFMS.com export all data in our Navidata format (airspaces, airports naviads etc).
Several other subscription sources are either available in our format in certain countries (for example Easyplan) or are comming live soon (including Jeppesen).

So, free or not - you decide...

Maps (cultural) - vector maps to cover the globe are included free. You can even edit them using our vector map editor (in fact, you can even edit the free airspace files we provide).
Raster maps are available from some of our distributors and there is even a free source now to cover the U.S. - maintained by one of our users.
The system allows you to use vector or raster maps and even both at the same time. These maps typically complement each other nicely.

Terrain data is also included to cover the globe free.

From the beginning I have been pushing for open database formats (you can download documents describing formats from our website). This is slowly gaining momentum and may one day help us and our competitors (and with that everybody else of course).

CEO MGL Avionics
When you say you can georeference anything you want, what does that process look like? Is that something you have to do for each plate?

In truth I really wish the whole airspace thing were overhauled in consideration of open standards. The airways and approaches should be in a simple open database so that vendors such as yourself can PRESENT the data in a way that is easiest on the pilot, not just re-creating old fashioned paper plates.

Flight Cheetah has made a pretty good attempt at adapting the data to a more modern presentation (e.g. prompting you with altitudes, descents, etc. during an approach) but of course they must charge a subscription fee to manipulate the FAA data to do this.

Bottom line is that a pilot should be able to enter a flight plan exactly as the controllers recite it to them, and then the EFIS should present that information so that transition from departure to en-route to approach is a non-event.
If you download the small application from our website there is a manual and a bit of a guide for a first attempt (complete with sample plates).
As a bit of a show, it includes a large JPEG image of the World and you get to georeference that and then use it in the EFIS (you can use it in the simulator if you like). It shows how to georeference anything.

You would not normally georeference every plate - many of the U.S. plates don't contain suitable geo markers anyway but most airport plates do - so just do those. The application remembers your georeferencing so next time you do an updated plate it should all fall into place.

I suspect, with a little time all the plates will eventually end up suitably converted and accessible for free use.

Yes, I hear your other comments and you are quite right.
SIDS and STARS are soon to be incorportated into our systems for guided approaches and departures - but this will require a Jeppesen IFR subscription until we can figure a free way to get hold of the data (the actual process of guidance is a piece of cake - its just a simple route with a bit of magic here and there).

I would love to have a free, consistent and fairly reliable database for airport information, SIDS and STARS, Obstacles, airways, navaids, intersections/reporting points right to cultural map data (towns, roads, rivers etc) - but as of now this does not exist. Bits and pieces do - so we use what we can find and slowly collate that into something useable. For the bits that don't we have to use subscription products.

But nothing stands still. As they say - watch this space...

CEO MGL Avionics

When you say you can georeference anything you want, what does that process look like? Is that something you have to do for each plate?

In truth I really wish the whole airspace thing were overhauled in consideration of open standards. The airways and approaches should be in a simple open database so that vendors such as yourself can PRESENT the data in a way that is easiest on the pilot, not just re-creating old fashioned paper plates.

Flight Cheetah has made a pretty good attempt at adapting the data to a more modern presentation (e.g. prompting you with altitudes, descents, etc. during an approach) but of course they must charge a subscription fee to manipulate the FAA data to do this.

Bottom line is that a pilot should be able to enter a flight plan exactly as the controllers recite it to them, and then the EFIS should present that information so that transition from departure to en-route to approach is a non-event.
<snip>but this will require a Jeppesen IFR subscription until we can figure a free way to get hold of the data (the actual process of guidance is a piece of cake - its just a simple route with a bit of magic here and there).<snip>

Yes, therein lies the aggravation. Government incompetence at it's finest.

Would someone remind me what the purpose of ICAO is, and what exactly it is they do with all the money they receive?????

Well, you guys in the U.S. are not alone with this.

I have often wondered why it is that (FAA, DCA, CAA or whatever it is called in a place) is Government, paid for by tax money to make rules. They do airspaces, approaches and everything related.

So, one would expect that all of this is published in a free, clear and easily accessible manner for anybody that takes to the skies.

The current dogma of "We make the rules. You follow the rules. You don't follow, we hit you hard. We don't tell you the rules unless you pay us." seems a little strange - does it not ?

Some countries are better than others but I have yet to find a good one in this respect. ICAO is perhaps the furthest along the path - but it still needs a lot of work.

CEO MGL Avionics

Yes, therein lies the aggravation. Government incompetence at it's finest.

Would someone remind me what the purpose of ICAO is, and what exactly it is they do with all the money they receive?????

MkII Simulator/Designer

Hi Rainier,

Once again, brilliant work! It looks incredible and I can't wait to see the MKII in action with a suitable FLIR camera attached!

I'm keen to see how some of my tinkering renders on the new MKII units and what other screen options are available and in so doing, I downloaded the designer/simulator off mglavionics.co.za again but it still seems to be the MKI release - am I looking in the wrong place? <EDIT> Disregard - my bad! I found it! Thanks Rainier! <END EDIT>

Best regards,
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Boy, I really like the new product. All the manufacturers with such great systems sure don't make it an easy decision!
Rainier ,
I was just wondering on your thoughts to send all wires/signals to a central controller and then have a single cable to the efis. It might add some cost but would make removing the efis and accesing the panel rear a LOT quicker.
Some time ago you also mentioned one or 2 D plugs only, to the rear. If I remember, you said the wiring would be more difficult to do and this had stopped you doing it.
Any updates or views on above ideas ?
Rainier ,
I was just wondering on your thoughts to send all wires/signals to a central controller and then have a single cable to the efis. It might add some cost but would make removing the efis and accesing the panel rear a LOT quicker.
Some time ago you also mentioned one or 2 D plugs only, to the rear. If I remember, you said the wiring would be more difficult to do and this had stopped you doing it.
Any updates or views on above ideas ?

I am expecting a MKIII update on these products later this year, busy working on the replacement of the current rear panels (in prototype now).

But there is just no way to put everything onto two D type connectors, not even big ones.
So the new panel has 8 of them and some are big ones, plus a few other connectors.
Partly this is to logically group signals (for example ARINC stuff all goes onto one connector) but also to avoid huge, clumsy harnesses as most installations will only need to wire a small fraction of the available connectivity (which is mind blowing by any standards).
The MKIII versions relate only to the rear panels, the rest remains as with the MKII released now.
Main additions are several more serial ports (so you don't need the COM extender), a total of three CAN interfaces and all the pressure ports are on brass NPT fittings.

Rainier ,
I was just wondering on your thoughts to send all wires/signals to a central controller and then have a single cable to the efis. It might add some cost but would make removing the efis and accesing the panel rear a LOT quicker.

Now this will not happen with our EFIS systems due to cost - however...

We will be packaging our new rear panels (as they have become self sufficiant systems in their own right) and offering them to anybody that wants to turn out their own EFIS systems, perhaps based on the Apple IPad or something like it.
There are now quite a few options out there to make an EFIS based on an available tablet PC of sorts - but where this falls down is in connectivity, pressure sensors, AHRS and all the other goodies that a real EFIS just simply needs.
So, we might be able to help with the remote box of tricks...

CEO MGL Avionics
Now this will not happen with our EFIS systems due to cost - however...

We will be packaging our new rear panels (as they have become self sufficiant systems in their own right) and offering them to anybody that wants to turn out their own EFIS systems, perhaps based on the Apple IPad or something like it.
There are now quite a few options out there to make an EFIS based on an available tablet PC of sorts - but where this falls down is in connectivity, pressure sensors, AHRS and all the other goodies that a real EFIS just simply needs.
So, we might be able to help with the remote box of tricks...

CEO MGL Avionics

Thanks for the reply. What I meant was not so much a "brain controller" ,but rather a hub. [if that makes sense].
All the brains remain in the efis screen box. This way the efis can be quickly removed by disconecting a jumbo cable and a few screws. All the wires etc will remain attached to the hub. Only the one cable would be disconnected between the hub and efis.
As the bigger efis's leave such a large hole when removed, this "access hole" could be quickly "made"
Obviously with a lot of wiring etc into the back of the current efis, this cannot be easily or quickly achieved.
Just a thought as I have spent way to many hours squeezed under the panel of a 7.

A quick look at your website shows no pricing, could you provide a link, or does one have to email or call your US distributor?

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In re-doing the back panel, are you considering changing the airtalk connectors from RCA-type plugs to something with positive retention? Similarly with the USB ports?

Does anyone know if the XTreme, not the existing small monochrome one but the one with four or five buttons, color screen and a rotary knob, is still a work in progress or has it been scraped if favor of the Enigma? There had been talk of a release in March, 2010.
In re-doing the back panel, are you considering changing the airtalk connectors from RCA-type plugs to something with positive retention? Similarly with the USB ports?

The RCA connectors are gone. While I'm somewhat sad about that (they really worked so well) it was a common request.
It's now all very professional, if that is the right term.

The USB connectors however remain (for obvious reasons ?) - however they are also accessible on one of the new connectors so you can have it any way you like. I must however add that we are moving all inter-system communications for our own network to CAN.

A quick look at your website shows no pricing, could you provide a link, or does one have to email or call your US distributor?


Pricing varies a lot between countries due to the usual reasons (transport, duties, taxes, customs fees, distributor overheads etc etc - even the yo-yo like antics of the South African Rand vs. Foreign currency has a big effect depending on when a distributor bought his stock).
As you can imagine I have little control over pricing in other countries and removed local pricing from our website years ago.

We maintain very few distributors (and have not allowed any new ones for years) so we can create viable centers of support.

For the U.S. - you will find all you need at www.MGLAvionics.com

CEO MGL Avionics
Does anyone know if the XTreme, not the existing small monochrome one but the one with four or five buttons, color screen and a rotary knob, is still a work in progress or has it been scraped if favor of the Enigma? There had been talk of a release in March, 2010.

Well, if anybody - I should know !

No, of course it is not scrapped.
We are expecting release in March / April. Some of the design (as usual) took longer to complete as originally hoped for - but it is worth-while, I think you will find the XTreme will add a new standard to the bottom end of the EFIS market as well, both in terms of price and functionality.

CEO MGL Avionics
I enjoyed playing with the MKII simulator. My decision on anything to do with avionics is a long way off, but just wanted to say thanks for your approach and for the PC side software.
The RCA connectors are gone. While I'm somewhat sad about that (they really worked so well) it was a common request.
It's now all very professional, if that is the right term.

The USB connectors however remain (for obvious reasons ?) - however they are also accessible on one of the new connectors so you can have it any way you like. I must however add that we are moving all inter-system communications for our own network to CAN.


Rainier, for those of us who plan to upgrade (as soon as it's available), how will the AHARS and compass connect if the RCA connectors are gone??
Rainier, for those of us who plan to upgrade (as soon as it's available), how will the AHARS and compass connect if the RCA connectors are gone??

For the current MKII systems nothing has changed on the back so the RCA are still there.

For the future MKIII systems, airtalk is still available but is on one of the D-connectors so needs a bit of soldering (see why I liked the RCA's so much).

Nice......now someone just has to get the flair prices down to a manageable point.

I assume you mean FLIR ?
Well, they are down to a few grand now which is a remarkable drop from what they used to be - in addition they are starting to give reasonable performance without having to live in liquid nitrogen.

Now that more and more EFIS systems can use these things I suspect there will be more demand and we all know what that does...

I think things are looking sweet for the future.

CEO MGL Avionics
MKII now "G2"

Due to popular demand.

I have ditched the "MKII" and am now refering to these systems as "G2" for "Generation 2". Just updated the website accordingly.

"MK" had too much of a "military" feel to it...

Posted an update to the simulator yesterday. Major new feature is the ability to use up to 26 vector maps and up to 26 aviation databases installed at the same time. Together with terrain data it is now possible to install the complete planets aviation database, terrain data and vector maps (the cultural side of the maps, roads, towns etc) - and still use only 1/4 of the capacity.
G2 systems will now be shipped this way - everything installed. Plug and Play.
The main reason for this was several recent long distance flights (record attempts, round the World stuff) using our EFIS systems. The new system makes changing from one region to another so simple my cat can do it (OK, the clever one - not the other one).

CEO MGL Avionics
I assume you mean FLIR ?
Well, they are down to a few grand now which is a remarkable drop from what they used to be - in addition they are starting to give reasonable performance without having to live in liquid nitrogen.

Now that more and more EFIS systems can use these things I suspect there will be more demand and we all know what that does...

I think things are looking sweet for the future.

CEO MGL Avionics

Yea yea.....Flir - Flair Forward L@@King Awsome Infrared :D I started looking at them 5 years ago at 15k....
didn't a former, and now defunct, competitor designate their units as G1, G2, etc.....

i personally much prefer the MK? series nomenclature.

I personally have been very impressed with my Odyssey, how many functions it has and how easy it is to set up. I havent come anywhere near to using all of the functions of the G1. This new version is complete overkill:D. So when will the upgrade be available and what is the cost.
I personally have been very impressed with my Odyssey, how many functions it has and how easy it is to set up. I havent come anywhere near to using all of the functions of the G1. This new version is complete overkill:D. So when will the upgrade be available and what is the cost.

The systems are shipping and we are building them as fast as we can.

We have so far upgraded around a dozen customer systems here at the factory and our main distributors will also be doing upgrades. Please check with your distributor on stock - we should be shipping upgrade kits within a week or so (they go courier so that only takes days).
The cost is fairly low but will of course depend on your locality.
Your distributor may offer upgrades with our without the video part which needs a bit of work (making holes, mounting connectors). Without te video the upgrade is pretty much plug and play unless you are using custom screen designes in which case some minor work may be required to get the old screens to look good (you will probably want to redo them anyway now that there are more options).

CEO MGL Avionics
L-3 and Avidyne stormscope support

Just had the good news.
We will be supporting L3 and Avidyne Storm scopes with the new G2 system (free software update soon).

Dito for Navworx and an as yet "secret" transponder for both traffic and weather on ADS-B

This is getting nice...

CEO MGL Avionics
Dito for Navworx and an as yet "secret" transponder for both traffic and weather on ADS-B

Great news! The Navworx unit is definitely on my list of desired components. I just wish they're release a price for the ADS-600-B version; if you're going to do ADS-B, might as well do In and Out.

You can tell us about the secret transponder; we promise not to tell anyone. ;)
We don't do or supply things military (see page link on our military policy on the top of our website).

But seriously, "G2" sounds better than "MKII" and it saves two letters in the bargain.

CEO MGL Avionics

Just picking on you for being "anti-military"... :D
Great news! The Navworx unit is definitely on my list of desired components. I just wish they're release a price for the ADS-600-B version; if you're going to do ADS-B, might as well do In and Out.

You can tell us about the secret transponder; we promise not to tell anyone. ;)

Sorry - can't, it's from a new player in the field and release is expected in about April.

Just picking on you for being "anti-military"... :D

Did my military service same as most (In Germany, part of Nato forces).
Just feel like I should not be building Kalashnikovs Partly this is also due to our former dealings with a big British based arms company (or their supposed representatives) where we very quickly saw where some of our stuff was going and I did not like it.

CEO MGL Avionics
Rainier - If the "secret transponder" is the Aveo TraffiCom you are going to make an awful lot of friends:)

Hey Bob, I hate to say this, but if Aveo ever released anything on their "Digital Flight Deck" website, I'd be very surprised. I visited them at Osh 3 years ago and they told me they'd release the entire DFD line in 3 weeks. I had my entire panel planned around their stuff. I e-mailed several times, but the reply was always the same. They're working on it, and it was pushed out a couple months. I gave up on them after a year of that.

Their stuff looks very nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it. :(
Rainier - If the "secret transponder" is the Aveo TraffiCom you are going to make an awful lot of friends:)

We broke ties with them early in the game. So it is not them. Not sure if anything is ever going to come out of Aveo as far as advanced electronic systems are concerned. At the time they where mostly after "borrowing" technology from wherever they could find it. When we realized what was going on we pulled out. They then anounced a whole range of fancy EFIS systems with nice photoshopped pictures. Looks like that is as far as it went.
Don't really know any details...

CEO MGL Avionics