Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
Below are images of several new MGL Avionics RF products. All of these items are still under development and are shown in prototype form. We expect production later this year or early next year (depending on product).


From left to right:

V15 - EFIS controlled remote VHF radio with 10W TX, dual scan RX and stereo audio panel with dual circuit intercom and 4 independent microphone circuits.

R6 - 2.1/4" remote control head for V6, V10 and V15 radios. Will also be used as optional indicator for V20 nav radio.

V6 - 2.1/4" VHF radio, 6.5W TX, dual scan RX, dual circuit intercom with 4 microphone circuits, stereo music channel.

CEO MGL Avionics

Could the R6 be used with an existing SL30/40 or A210?

I assume certification is only required for the RF boxes, not the remote.

The R6 can only be used with our products, the devices you mention do not have any remote control facilities other than frequency setting.



Could the R6 be used with an existing SL30/40 or A210?

I assume certification is only required for the RF boxes, not the remote.

Will the V15 be compatible with other EFIS's, like say GRT Sport?:rolleyes:

I can't answer this. We are going to make the protocol available to GRT as we like to support good products and good people but it will be up to GRT to decide if they want to use it.
It requires a bit more effort to support compared to a simple frequency setting protocol but it's not too bad. Effectively the EFIS controls everything on the radio and don't forget it's an audio panel as well so that too needs to be controlled and setup.

CEO MGL Avionics

I will be leaving osh with one of your V10's.
Just have to find someone there with one on hand and a fair price. Havent heard anything but great things and it will save me an audio panel. Great products.

Fun stuff.
The V10's are scarce but Matt has some in stock as he tends to plan ahead.
He will however not be allowed to sell any on the stand due to the local tax issues at Osh, he may not even take orders...

Yes, the V10 has proven itself to be an excellent radio and is very popular if our production numbers are anything to go by. It needs a bit more setup than your average radio to match the intercom to the noise profile of your aircraft - but once that is done the rewards are great...

CEO MGL Avionics

I will be leaving osh with one of your V10's.
Just have to find someone there with one on hand and a fair price. Havent heard anything but great things and it will save me an audio panel. Great products.

Fun stuff.
Wow! These are great.

I'll definitely get the R6 when it's available.. Especially since it can be an indicator for the V20. Does that mean it's a full-on CDI for a nav source? And when do we get to see the V20?

Rainier - once again, you're leading the way. These look excellent!

If I may I'll throw in a wish list in terms of system architecture. I went with a Dynon EFIS some time ago before MGL had adequate representation here in Canada. Given the popularity of Dynon EFIS products I don't imagine I'm the only one in this boat. That is to say, I don't think I'm the only guy out there who wants to use an MGL radio but doesn't want to have to replace his Dynon EFIS in order to use the MGL radio.

With this in mind it is my wish to see the following:
V20 - tuneable from the R6, as well as being able to use the R6 as a full VOR/LOC/GS indicator

V20 - outputs in SL30 format so the LNAV/VNAV pointers on the Dynon can display V20 nav data. I don't mind having to purchase an R6 in order to get OBS functionality. I can find space for a 2 1/4" instrument far more easily than I can put in Dynon's HS34 module.

V6 - I really, really want this radio to keep the VOGAD intercom. From what I heard in the noisy Oshkosh vendor hall its performance was excellent, the best intercom I've heard to date.

V6, R6 etc... Backlighting dimmable from a central aircraft dimmer system, rather than having to dim each "box" independantly. If the software controls dimming then allow the software to read an analog voltage input (master dimmer input) and then allow the user to manually offset the brightness to allow the user to achieve uniform backlighting levels across the various instruments in the panel.

OK, I know that Oshkosh is like Christmas in July, so that's my Christmas wish list! Hope you and MGL have a terrific show, and safe travels there and back.
Yes, the R6 is also usable as an indicator for the V20 (that is one of its functions).
The V20 BTW is in exactly the same housing as the V15 pictured here.
The V20 is also now in active development but is only scheduled for finishing once the items mentioned above are completed.
The development state is advanced for all the new radios and we are working mainly on the RF side (which is usualy the last and most difficult part), we have also done a late change to the audio side as a new chip became available that we just had to use !
The V20 nav radio is interesting in that it is a nearly fully digital solution. Effectively the many and complex analog parts of a traditional nav radio are simply simulated using a high speed processor (if the simulation is accurate, the end result is the same).

CEO MGL Avionics

Wow! These are great.

I'll definitely get the R6 when it's available.. Especially since it can be an indicator for the V20. Does that mean it's a full-on CDI for a nav source? And when do we get to see the V20?

Rainier - once again, you're leading the way. These look excellent!

If I may I'll throw in a wish list in terms of system architecture. I went with a Dynon EFIS some time ago before MGL had adequate representation here in Canada. Given the popularity of Dynon EFIS products I don't imagine I'm the only one in this boat. That is to say, I don't think I'm the only guy out there who wants to use an MGL radio but doesn't want to have to replace his Dynon EFIS in order to use the MGL radio.

You don't have to replace anything. Any of our VHF radios understands both the SL30 as well as SL40 protocol and this has become an industry standard. But these protocols only handle setting up of frequencies.
In order to fully remote control our radios (including the existing V10) another protocol is used which we have placed into the public domain. This is used to set volume, squelch and other things plus obtain information on the current radio status (for example signal strength, currently active frequencies etc).

With this in mind it is my wish to see the following:
V20 - tuneable from the R6, as well as being able to use the R6 as a full VOR/LOC/GS indicator

Yes, that is standard. You can tick that one off your list.

V20 - outputs in SL30 format so the LNAV/VNAV pointers on the Dynon can display V20 nav data. I don't mind having to purchase an R6 in order to get OBS functionality. I can find space for a 2 1/4" instrument far more easily than I can put in Dynon's HS34 module.

Again, yes. The V20 fills in the missing bits in the SL30 protocol so if you have a V15 as well, the combination looks just like a real SL30.
If the EFIS is not able to control these items (other than frequency setting), you will need two R6 control heads. It is possible to use one, but that is clumsy (in any case the heads are very cheap).

V6 - I really, really want this radio to keep the VOGAD intercom. From what I heard in the noisy Oshkosh vendor hall its performance was excellent, the best intercom I've heard to date.

Yes of course, the VOGAD is the best thing about the radio, why would we ditch it ?

V6, R6 etc... Backlighting dimmable from a central aircraft dimmer system, rather than having to dim each "box" independantly. If the software controls dimming then allow the software to read an analog voltage input (master dimmer input) and then allow the user to manually offset the brightness to allow the user to achieve uniform backlighting levels across the various instruments in the panel.

No dimming. The displays backlights are always on but at a level that is suitable for night use. During daylight, the displays don't need a backlight as they are reflective so you don't even see that the backlight is on.

OK, I know that Oshkosh is like Christmas in July, so that's my Christmas wish list! Hope you and MGL have a terrific show, and safe travels there and back.

Unfortunately I'm not in the U.S. this year (maybe next year), I have too much work on my desk. We do have Les Manchip at our booth this year, he is responsible for much of the hardware design on the radios (I designed the original protoype and do all of the software, Les takes over from there).

CEO MGL Avionics
Thanks for the prompt and thorough response, Rainier! Looks like my shopping list for the moment is going to consist of a V20 and R6 for Nav, with a V6 as my 2nd comm. Yup, I think I can find space for all that in my existing panel, but I might have to use some other MGL singles to combine oil temp, pressure and tachometer to free up the extra holes in the panel.

Oh boy, there goes the budget again! ;-)
If you had both remote products (a V15 COM and a V20 NAV), could you control both from a single R6 display? How about if there was a DPDT or 3PDT switch beneath it to switch inputs between the two remote devices?

I know, I'm being stingy with my panel space... but I need that space for my dual Odysseys. :-D Still, if I lost the EFIS in flight for some reason, I'd like a backup to be able to use the COM and NAV, but at minimal panel usage.
V15 Intercom

Can you provide more details of the V15 intercom at this time. Might save me from buying a GMA320.

Can you provide more details of the V15 intercom at this time. Might save me from buying a GMA320.


Two circuit intercom with 4 microphone inputs (each independent), stereo music input, aux audio input (usualy used for EFIS voice prompts etc), mobile phone connection via bluetooth (not built in, plug in "extra" - to make certification easier).
Two circuit means that you could seperate pilot and passengers completely and each would effectively have their own intercom (these can be joined of course).
Also hookup of two radios if needed so you have the "main" radio able to "see" the receive of a second radio and routing of microphone signals to that second radio if you want to use it for TX.

We are looking to make a simple audio panel as well due to popular demand, but needs to be small so it will likely be in 2.1/4" format. This is mainly to facilitate easy swithcing over between two radios.

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Here's a really dumb question:

If you have a Garmin x96 handheld, can that be used to set the frequencies on both the Comm and Nav radios?
This looks pretty good.

Can passenger and pilot each have their phone operating independantly via bluetooth?

It would work with any phone that you have "paired". This is controlled by the phone so you could have many phones using the link (but only one phone at a time).

Here's a really dumb question:

If you have a Garmin x96 handheld, can that be used to set the frequencies on both the Comm and Nav radios?

Well, I don't know.
You could use anything that currently can control a SL30 or SL40 but I am not sure if the hand helds have that capability...

Hey Rainier,

Any updates on the V20?

This was asked above but I don't see an answer: Can you use a V20 & V15 with a single R6?

If you can, what is the target pricing for a R6, V15 & V20 combo?
Hey Rainier,

Any updates on the V20?

This was asked above but I don't see an answer: Can you use a V20 & V15 with a single R6?

If you can, what is the target pricing for a R6, V15 & V20 combo?

All of these are still under development. The V6 is getting close, the V15 is not far behind (as it is in effect somewhat similar to the V6 from a technical point of view).
The V20 is still far behind but should be much quicker out of the starting hole as it does not need a transmitter and certification is much easier.

For the V6 and V15 we started with a blank sheet again (rather than using a mofidied V10). The reason is that the V10 is too expensive to manufacture in part due to the usage of some expensive and exotic components. We where hoping that the prices for these would come down with time but allas, they didn't.
Anyway, we now have a nice alternative which seems to work well and is even based on a TXO for incredible frequency accuracy (needed for some of the tougher new European certification standards).

I honestly don't know what the pricing will end up like (what is the USD going to do tomorrow ?) - but you can be certain that it will be good.

CEO MGL Avionics
V6 wish list

V6 - 2.1/4" VHF radio, 6.5W TX, dual scan RX, dual circuit intercom with 4 microphone circuits, stereo music channel.

CEO MGL Avionics

Here's my com wish list and the V6 as I understand it will do the first six, no questions asked. I'm not sure on the last two. Rainier, please correct if I'm wrong.

lightweight and small- 2 lb or less (length...maybe 6-7 inches?)
listen to standby frequency while maintaining primary channel priority
reliable- modern robust components
side tone
Easy integration with a mp3 player, stereo even!
Great value
Will take frequency requests (SL-40 format) from a GPS
NOAA weather radio-

best regards
Here's my com wish list and the V6 as I understand it will do the first six, no questions asked. I'm not sure on the last two. Rainier, please correct if I'm wrong.

lightweight and small- 2 lb or less (length...maybe 6-7 inches?)

Less. Much less.

listen to standby frequency while maintaining primary channel priority

Standard with all our radios (even the current V10)

reliable- modern robust components

There is no aviation band tranceiver in existence that is even close to the technology we are now using. That is also the reason these things are so small and light, yet still pack a powerful transmitter and use so little current.

side tone

??? Not sure I understand this one - yes of course it has a sidetone, every radio has...

Easy integration with a mp3 player, stereo even!

Yes it is full stereo all the way to the headsets using HD audio codecs (yes, the audio path is digital with analog inputs for compatibility). Of course you need a stereo headset to be able to use this fully.

Great value

I will let you decide on that when we release it...
I think it is.

Will take frequency requests (SL-40 format) from a GPS

All our radios do...

NOAA weather radio-

Sorry, negative on that one (but you could plumb in an external radio).

best regards

Keep it up - and thank you for being so responsive on this forum. My plane has been flying for five years and I'm now looking ahead to my first panel upgrade.

MGL has been making huge progress and I really liked what I saw at OSH. I also like that you seem to be moving away from the 'big keypad' industrial design of your first units - that was one of my only concerns when I was selecting my current panel in 2003ish.
Now, to make it a perfect radio........ I would need an adjustable squelch so we could block out distant use on same frequency.

It sure would be nice.
Now, to make it a perfect radio........ I would need an adjustable squelch so we could block out distant use on same frequency.

It sure would be nice.

last I checked we had adjustable squelch - am I missing something ?

CEO MGL Avionics
Well, right now I can tell you that I wish I had more buttons. Like double would be nice. The G2 is currently getting a lot more interesting functionality (my holiday project so to say) and I am wracking my brain for ideas on how to make it do all these things with so few buttons without getting into the pesky "menu level" or "soft key" traps...

In other words, we are not moving away from anything, just the opposite in fact. The XTreme has fewer buttons (and just one rotary control) but that has only a tiny fraction of the functions of a big EFIS so it's not a problem.
New systems now in development have more. Much more. But different. Sort of. Sorry, can't say more...

CEO MGL Avionics


Keep it up - and thank you for being so responsive on this forum. My plane has been flying for five years and I'm now looking ahead to my first panel upgrade.

MGL has been making huge progress and I really liked what I saw at OSH. I also like that you seem to be moving away from the 'big keypad' industrial design of your first units - that was one of my only concerns when I was selecting my current panel in 2003ish.
transponder too?

Is the Odyssey capable of controlling the Trig TT22 transponder? If not, do you have plans for this? I?m looking at installing two Odysseys in my RV7a; a Garmin 430W and your V15 radio/audio panel and possibly a VP-X breaker box. There would be almost nothing visible except the two Odysseys.
Any update for the release of the V15?

Any further updates on the V6 and R6? I'm in the market for a second comm radio for formation work, and am comparing the V10 and the V6. I currently have an SL-40 and a GMA-340, so the desire is a simple set-up to wire in as comm 2 on the GMA-340 (no no intercom needed, though the VOGAD sounds nice).

Panel space is a little tight, so I'm leaning to the V6, though behind-panel space is a possible factor too, so the V10's shallow depth is appealing.

Along those space limitation lines, can the R6 be used with a remote V6 radio (if a remote V6 is available...like the pic of the V15 below...is that a combo you will produce?).

Thanks very much!


Below are images of several new MGL Avionics RF products. All of these items are still under development and are shown in prototype form. We expect production later this year or early next year (depending on product).


From left to right:

V15 - EFIS controlled remote VHF radio with 10W TX, dual scan RX and stereo audio panel with dual circuit intercom and 4 independent microphone circuits.

R6 - 2.1/4" remote control head for V6, V10 and V15 radios. Will also be used as optional indicator for V20 nav radio.

V6 - 2.1/4" VHF radio, 6.5W TX, dual scan RX, dual circuit intercom with 4 microphone circuits, stereo music channel.

CEO MGL Avionics
Well, we had been asking Trig for some two years and while we got enthusiastic replies, nothing happened. We signed an NDA and nothing happened.
Of course there is a limit to our patience (and I think we gave them a lot of that) but we obviously had to make a plan.

We started a paper project for a transponder that would effectively remove the need for some of the traditional hardware and allow a lower cost device but after we established initial contact with Trig, we shelved it.

Now we have taken it out again, dusted it off, had a look at what has happened with electronics in the meantime with latest silicon, changed a few things related to that and now we are are working hard to get something ready for Oshkosh. It's tight but I think we can make it.

We are putting it into the same housing as used in the V6 and of course it is fully remote controllable so you can use the EFIS numeric keypad to punch in the sqwauk code (if you don't want to use the knobs on the transponder).

We have been talking to the South African CAA about TSO but have discontinued this last week as it became apparent that they lack the required expertise. We are starting the process of doing the TSO with the FAA instead, it seems much easier anyway and makes more sense.

As we have something to prove here, our price target is below $1000 for a mode-s level 2. We where aiming for a class 1 at this price but it looks like it is more realistic to do a class 2 as there is a fairly cost effective transmitter chain available for that power band. We can always do a class 1 at slightly higher price after this.

CEO MGL Avionics

Is the Odyssey capable of controlling the Trig TT22 transponder? If not, do you have plans for this? I?m looking at installing two Odysseys in my RV7a; a Garmin 430W and your V15 radio/audio panel and possibly a VP-X breaker box. There would be almost nothing visible except the two Odysseys.
Any update for the release of the V15?
R6 is on my desk.
V6 should be going off for certs end of this month.
Production is scheduled to start in two months.

V15 has been shelved for now, instead V6 is fully remote controllable so it effectively replaces the V15 anyway as it has good audio capabilities as well (stereo all the way, several audio inputs).

V20 (the NAV radio) was to be a remote only unit (like the V15) but it makes more sense now to use the V6 housing and form-factor as well so that is what is happening there.

This means, with this line complete, we will have the V6 VHF, V20 NAV and V?? transponder all in the same housings so that makes a good deal of sense.

CEO MGL Avionics


Any further updates on the V6 and R6? I'm in the market for a second comm radio for formation work, and am comparing the V10 and the V6. I currently have an SL-40 and a GMA-340, so the desire is a simple set-up to wire in as comm 2 on the GMA-340 (no no intercom needed, though the VOGAD sounds nice).

Panel space is a little tight, so I'm leaning to the V6, though behind-panel space is a possible factor too, so the V10's shallow depth is appealing.

Along those space limitation lines, can the R6 be used with a remote V6 radio (if a remote V6 is available...like the pic of the V15 below...is that a combo you will produce?).

Thanks very much!

V20 (the NAV radio) was to be a remote only unit (like the V15) but it makes more sense now to use the V6 housing and form-factor as well so that is what is happening there.

This means, with this line complete, we will have the V6 VHF, V20 NAV and V?? transponder all in the same housings so that makes a good deal of sense.

CEO MGL Avionics

Thanks for the news! Will the V20 NAV radio be VOR / localizer only or will it support glide slope as well? (asking for the moon here, but assuming no DME?).

Also curious about your ADS-B plans with respect to the V?? Transponder. Any integration planned or are you thinking about a separate box?


Thanks for the news! Will the V20 NAV radio be VOR / localizer only or will it support glide slope as well? (asking for the moon here, but assuming no DME?).
DME is really closer to a transponder but we are not looking at it. Not sure if there is much of a need for it anymore.
Yes, the NAV does glide slope as well as marker RX.

Also curious about your ADS-B plans with respect to the V?? Transponder. Any integration planned or are you thinking about a separate box?

The transponder supports the native ADS-B extended squitters out of the box (for transmission).

ADS-B receiver (1090ES) is quite simple and only needs a handful of components these days. It would make sense to include this in the transponder but we will not do that for fear of screwing up the certification.
You could make a fair ADS-B receiver for your EFIS for perhaps $200 end user price that would result in a nice and very useful traffic display.
I'm expecting that receivers like this will become plentiful so there is no need for us to do anything. Receivers like this are already used by plane spotters in all their forms. We just need to pick one and support it.

CEO MGL Avionics

Thanks for the quick responses!

Sorry for my confusion, but will the form factor for the V6, V20 and XPNDR be:

1. Like the item on the left in the pic below (remote mounted and all remote controlled via the R6)


2. Like the item on the right in the pic below, and when you say remote controllable, you mean from the EFIS (if desired).

The reason I ask is in my situation, I'll be mounting the second radio in a small area to the left of my EFIS. The V10 may fit there, the R6 will fit there (and I'd mount the V6 box out of the way, if it was a remote device). If the V6 is like the item on the right, it still may fit, but depth may be an issue for me.

Just planning ahead, and appreciate your posts, as always!!


R6 is on my desk.
V6 should be going off for certs end of this month.
Production is scheduled to start in two months.

V15 has been shelved for now, instead V6 is fully remote controllable so it effectively replaces the V15 anyway as it has good audio capabilities as well (stereo all the way, several audio inputs).

V20 (the NAV radio) was to be a remote only unit (like the V15) but it makes more sense now to use the V6 housing and form-factor as well so that is what is happening there.

This means, with this line complete, we will have the V6 VHF, V20 NAV and V?? transponder all in the same housings so that makes a good deal of sense.

CEO MGL Avionics


From left to right:

V15 - EFIS controlled remote VHF radio
R6 - 2.1/4" remote control head for V6, V10 and V15 radios. Will also be used as optional indicator for V20 nav radio.
V6 - 2.1/4" VHF radio, 6.5W TX, dual scan RX, dual circuit intercom with 4 microphone circuits, stereo music channel.

CEO MGL Avionics
Like the unit on the right.
This means one single box for each.
Obviously they are panel mount devices, but - like our current V10 - can be completely mounted behind the panel or anywhere else (for example the "other" seat on a tandem) and fully controlled by up to two EFIS systems independently. This includes all things like volume and squelch (on the radios) as well as all setup items.

So, you have the complete freedom to view them either as panel mount or remote mount/controlled or both.

Yes, the R6 can also be thown into the mix...



Thanks for the quick responses!

Sorry for my confusion, but will the form factor for the V6, V20 and XPNDR be:

1. Like the item on the left in the pic below (remote mounted and all remote controlled via the R6)


2. Like the item on the right in the pic below, and when you say remote controllable, you mean from the EFIS (if desired).

The reason I ask is in my situation, I'll be mounting the second radio in a small area to the left of my EFIS. The V10 may fit there, the R6 will fit there (and I'd mount the V6 box out of the way, if it was a remote device). If the V6 is like the item on the right, it still may fit, but depth may be an issue for me.

Just planning ahead, and appreciate your posts, as always!!

Got it Rainier, thanks!

Has the depth of the V6 been established? (If you can release that info yet.)

Thanks again!
10 cm (or 3.9" if you prefer).

Plus connector, a D25, due to the additional audio channels, stereo etc we need more pins compared to the V10 radio which has a D15 connector.


Got it Rainier, thanks!

Has the depth of the V6 been established? (If you can release that info yet.)

Thanks again!
Perfect...thanks! Looks like a winner to me!! Thanks for suffering through all the Q's...while you're trying to bring new products to market!! :)

WOW!! It just keeps getting better.......

Looks like the heaviest part of my new panel will be the blank aluminum sheet the panel was made from.

Thank You MGL
Ah wow. :) This is one of the reasons I monitor these forums even though I'm getting something different to an RV.

I'm trying to evaluate the 2 1/4" remote comms (of which there is a pretty limited range) which are available at the moment as it's the only thing which will fit in my desired panel. Any teasers/sneak previews going to be at Sun n Fun? Or do I have to book airfares to Oshkosh again this year to see them in the flesh?

Hope the intercom is good too. Mine would go in a very noisy cockpit.
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The noisiest cockpits we have so far been using the V10 in (which has the same intercom as the V6) is a B22 Bantam (Google it).
This is a microlight, open air cockpit with a great big 120 Hp 6 cylinder Jabiru mounted right in front and above the pilot with the prop blowing onto the effectively unprotected pilot.
Does not get much worse than this.
The V10's VOGAD intercom performs excellent. The only adaptation needed was on the headsets - the foam piece that goes over the microphone needs to be replaced with a larger type using a higher density foam (or else the wind blast simply overwelms the microphone). On this aircraft it is not possible to use ANR headsets so PNR headsets are used.

Ria has booked my ticket to Osh yesterday. I will not be at S&F (in fact I have never been there). Matt from MGL USA usually has a small stand or shares with Aircraft Spruce but he will not have any RF products on show (except for the V10 maybe).

CEO MGL Avionics

Ah wow. :) This is one of the reasons I monitor these forums even though I'm getting something different to an RV.

I'm trying to evaluate the 2 1/4" remote comms (of which there is a pretty limited range) which are available at the moment as it's the only thing which will fit in my desired panel. Any teasers/sneak previews going to be at Sun n Fun? Or do I have to book airfares to Oshkosh again this year to see them in the flesh?

Hope the intercom is good too. Mine would go in a very noisy cockpit.
OK thanks very much for the reply Rainier. Sounds like it could handle a Pitts with a radial then. An R6 coupled to a V6 for back/front would be ideal, though I'm not certain how the availability timing will pan out at the moment. Hope development goes smoothly!

Do you plan to have all functionality remote controllable? My remote would probably be my primary control (the pilot's panel being very tight for depth) and the R/T unit would be the secondary.

Hmmm.........now I must seriously contemplate how best to talk the "boss" into airfares across the Pacific to Oshkosh for the 2nd year in a row! :eek:
Well, in a change of "tactic" we are now now longer doing remote control units as such, rather we are making panel mount units that can be fully remote controlled as standard. This makes more sense and it still allows us to easily derive remote control only versions without having to do anything - just replace the face with a blind panel that also countains some flanges for bulkhead mounting.

I do not know if MGL will be at S&F, that is up to MGL U.S.A which operates quite independent from us. They tended to share a spot with Aircraft Spruce, perhaps this year as well ?


OK thanks very much for the reply Rainier. Sounds like it could handle a Pitts with a radial then. An R6 coupled to a V6 for back/front would be ideal, though I'm not certain how the availability timing will pan out at the moment. Hope development goes smoothly!

Do you plan to have all functionality remote controllable? My remote would probably be my primary control (the pilot's panel being very tight for depth) and the R/T unit would be the secondary.

Hmmm.........now I must seriously contemplate how best to talk the "boss" into airfares across the Pacific to Oshkosh for the 2nd year in a row! :eek:
V6 Audio functions versus V15 (RIP)

I am disappointed that the V15 is gone. I wanted to use it in Europe on the sub-panel of a tip-up RV, where it will be in full view if I am ever ramp checked. As it is not approved here, I would prefer something that does not look anything like a radio - might avoid some questions.

Will the audio panel in the V6 be upgraded to have all the functionality you were planning for the V15? What about the TX power? That was to be 10W for the V15 versus 6.5W for the V6
Audio on the V6 is the same as the V15.
You are correct on the power - 6.5W is the rated power of the V6.

The difference in range 10W vs. 6.5W is actually very small (you need 4 x the power to make a noticable difference) so we don't think that is a train smash.

We do think we can easily make "remote only" units by simply dropping the front panel and replacing it with a blank panel. Should be a bit cheaper too.

There might be light at the end of the tunnel as far as Europe goes. There is increasing lobying going on to again allow non-TSO's radios as this is explicitly allowed by the EASA regulations but has been depegated to each countries local authorities (and they have been sitting on it, seemingly too scared to do anything as confusion reigns in some areas about what is controlled by EASA and what is not).

We are however getting serious about TSO for some of our products and while there is no technical reason, of course the beurocratic side can be very daunting and the overall process can be veryn expensive. We build according to the relevant TSO standards anyway and will only deviate when there is a good reason - the TSO standards do not allways specify sensible things and often are a little outdated with respect to the real world.

CEO MGL Avionics

I am disappointed that the V15 is gone. I wanted to use it in Europe on the sub-panel of a tip-up RV, where it will be in full view if I am ever ramp checked. As it is not approved here, I would prefer something that does not look anything like a radio - might avoid some questions.

Will the audio panel in the V6 be upgraded to have all the functionality you were planning for the V15? What about the TX power? That was to be 10W for the V15 versus 6.5W for the V6
Hi Ranier,

Theoretical question - is there any reason the noise-canceling would not work with a bluetooth device? It would be cool to have wireless headsets and not have to worry about buying expensive noise-canceling units.