
Active Member
Has anyone bought and installed the N16 nav unit for MGL with a G3X Touch? I'm looking at doing this but would like to see of the two talk to each other.
AFAIK it's not yet available in the US, I emailed Matt (US distributor) when Rainer (Owner, South Africa) announced it was shipping back in early July. He said it would be about a month before it was available here and he would let me know. I still haven't heard from him and it's not on his website yet. They've been promising a NAV radio since at least Oshkosh of 2009 when I bought my EFIS, but other projects have always taken priority it seems. It looks and sounds like the N16 is real and close to available but this delay is still disappointing.

With that said, I've been happy with my MGL EFIS and Com Radio, so I suspect this will be just as good when/if it is available here.
Interesting, I just got an email from Rainer saying the N16 has been available for a couple months. I tried contacting MGL in Torrance by phone and email. Nothing heard. I guess keep watching.
Interesting, I just got an email from Rainer saying the N16 has been available for a couple months. I tried contacting MGL in Torrance by phone and email. Nothing heard. I guess keep watching.

Yes I did say that but was mistaken - sorry. Yes we have been shipping them for a couple of months now and naturally assumed many of them went to the U.S. - I checked with shipping and was told Matt only ordered a batch fairly recently and these will be in his next shipment which should leave next week.

Also apologize about the long time it took before we had the NAV radio done. Not happy about this myself.
In the past the radio hardware was partly designed by another company (I did the initial hardware design about 15 years ago) and I wrote the software. I did pester them hard for a NAV radio (and transponder) but all I had to show at the end of the day was a mockup for Oshkosh.
We parted ways almost two years ago which then freed me and I could proceed making a "real" MGL radio in the sense it is designed and produced by us. That was the V16 released about 9 months ago (which so far has proven extremely popular - we have had to double the planned production batches).
The N16 followed about 6 months later - it was originally intended to use the V16 hardware minus the transmitter but in the end it proved that it would be better to create its own hardware (which allowed a better front end optimized for the NAV radio). But in principle it uses the same receiver also used in the V16 (it is a really good receiver by the way).

I am currently busy with the prototype of the A16 (you guessed it - that is the intercom system), just got the Bluetooth up and running today so it can stream music and connect to your phone.

The T16 transponder is in second prototype. The transponder is largely experimental still as I am doing to it what I did with the V16/N16 - completely clean slate design (mostly to avoid infringing the many broadly worded mode-s related patents out there). This one has become quite interesting from a technology point of view - I hope to have it up and running soon.

CEO MGL Avionics