Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
Today, February the 8th 2001, exactly 10 years ago, MGL Avionics was incorporated.

MGL was founded about two years after I built my first small EFIS for a microlight trike I was flying at the time. The first avionics developed long before that was an airborne mono-pulse low frequency radar system desiged to measure the thickness of the Antarctic ice sheet which in places is some 4 Km. This was in 1984.
Several smaller projects followed, including involvement in a certified helicopter flight recording and monitoring system.

MGL was jointly founded by myself and my Wife and named using the first letters of our three Cats at the time - Mish, Gypsey and Lucy - hence: MGL.

We would like to thank our customers, enthusiastic supporters and of course the many people that are directly or indirectly involved for making all of this possible - without you this would have never happened. Thanks guys...

We are looking forward to serving you for many years more...

Rainier & the team at and around MGL Avionics
Congratulations Ranier...

In my plane I have Flight II and E-1 MaxiSingles and a GF-1 g-meter. I purchased them in 2005 from Matt at SportFlyingShop.com and have been flying them since 2006. I have had excellent service from the instruments, and even better service from Matt!

Chris Smith
Well, I'm not about to design anything that will survive a garden hose, long before MGL I was quite heavy into scuba diving and of course had to make my own dive computer. Needless to say it worked well outside the water but once 40 feet down, I just could not keep the **** thing dry inside.

We have a great many projects in active development right now, in fact so many that we are not even looking at anything to add, at least not yet.
All the work being done now will show itself in the next months so sit tight !

CEO MGL Avionics

Congratulations on your 10 year milestone!

Just in case you are looking for a new project, please check out you tube,
"Swesims first DTS-test on AJS37 Viggen Attitude Indicator"

If you could make a TSO'd digital display version of this AI to with a MEMS AHRS to fit into a single 3.125" hole, I would be the first to buy one.

Actually , the GPS in the extreme could do most of it in normal flight, however I prefer something that can be powered up and hit with a stream of water from a garden hose, from any angle and still operate. I recently lost a new D-10A from 2 weeks of cold soaking in a dry hangar. Thats 3 out of 4 EFIS I have owned that are toast. Thankfully none of yours. So far only the TSO'd equipment has stood up, along with one D-6.

Back to the Viggen AI, I find the spherical AI with the heading inscribed along the equator to be instantly readable. I also like the cardinal headings near the poles to read when flying vertically up, or down. While large glass panels are in demand, a tough, compact and reliable TSO'd AI is a must have item and the market potential is monumental.

Good Luck and continued success in your next ten years.


Ranier, a big congrats to you and your team. As an owner of your v10 comm, I have to say great job. Other builders come by and comment on it. Its light, its built in intercom is great and it works great at a very good price. Keeps my plane light, very cost effective and full ot cutting edge technology.

You make products that people want and the marketplace apparently says you are filling a niche well if you have not only survived but thrived for 10 years. Keep at it. Your products, prices and even time on boards like this are all appreciated.

Cheers :)

Congratulations on you 10 years of great products. I have a Voyager, a V10 and an Infinity in my 7a. Good luck in the future. Randy
Congrats on 10 years! I'm a proud owner and supporter of your products and your company. You and your team have been fantastic to work with. Thank you!
Rainier, Congratulations on 10 years and thanks for some great products and excellent support. Wishing you and yours the best!

Another proud owner here Rainier! Congrats on ten years, and I wish you the best in all your product endeavors for many years to come! :cool::cool:

And happy birthday to MGL.

In this economy, you have reached a major milestone for sure.

Glad to see another success story in the aviation field.
Happy Anniversary

Congratulations on ten years of growth, Rainer! I am not yet flying but just recently completed the install of your Odyssey G-2 EFIS and V-10 radio in my RV-8 project. I am very happy with them and look forward to learning all of the capabilities of both. The EFIS is very intuitive and has met all my expectations. Matt has been great on the customer service. Very impressed.
Congrats from me too... I put my first MGL gauge in Tweety last year, and plan to clean up the panel this year by buying two more and consolidating some displays. So far, I've been very happy with the simplicity, functionality, and readability.