
I am doing a panel upgrade with the MGL EFIS Lite along with the VAL 2KR remote mounted nav radio to integrate with the EFIS. I will also have the MGL v10 touchscreen radio and Bendix/King transponder with echo UAT upgrade for 2020 compliance and autopilot. My goal is to upgrade the panel with simplicity in mind along with having basic IFR capability to train and perform light IFR flying. Any comments or suggestions?


Jerry P.
RV6 flying
I have the MGL V6 radio in my 6A; I have been very happy with it, and very impressed with customer service. When I was trying to sort out an initial problem after installation, I came on this forum to ask for help from the collective giant pool of experience here...and it was Rainier Lamers of MGL who responded almost immediately. Not surprisingly, his suggestions of what to check led directly to fixing the problem. Gotta love a company where the CEO monitors this forum and personally responds to questions and concerns.
Consider the new V16 radio - you will find it is not badly priced and packs a real punch. Nice features too - like built in SWR meter, playback of last transmissions received etc.
And when you get bored you can add a N16 Nav radio - really cheap for a full NAV/COM solution.


I am doing a panel upgrade with the MGL EFIS Lite along with the VAL 2KR remote mounted nav radio to integrate with the EFIS. I will also have the MGL v10 touchscreen radio and Bendix/King transponder with echo UAT upgrade for 2020 compliance and autopilot. My goal is to upgrade the panel with simplicity in mind along with having basic IFR capability to train and perform light IFR flying. Any comments or suggestions?


Jerry P.
RV6 flying
+1 for MGL. Nothing but great service and support from Matt in Torrance. My V6 is a great little radio, and my now-ancient Odyssey G2 EFIS can control it.
Is there a ballpark price to add NAV to the V16?

We have not done the costing yet (we normally do that only once the first production batch is completed so we have a record of all costs involved).

From a hardware point of view it is effectively the same receiver as used in the V16 with one additional SAW filter (for the glide slope) and an additional FM suppression filter in order to meet ICAO recommendations on IP3 (it meets then without this but what the heck - there was some unused PCB space...).
Of course it looses all of the transmitter components so that is a great cost saving.

I cannot unfortunately make any statements on pricing other than in my own country, please understand that. Pricing in other countries tends to be higher
- sometimes by quite a lot (not under our control). I am expecting a price of around R4000 which at today's USD/Rand exchange rate is about $340 here in SA.

To Recap, the N16 gives you:

Dual scanning receiver (primary and secondary are equivalent however, this is not a degraded "monitor" for the second channel).
Either primary or secondary can be used for either VOR or ILS (with glideslope). You can't have two ILS of course but you can have two VOR or one VOR and one ILS (with glideslope).

If scanning is not used (you are either on VOR and ILS on the primary) you get a morse station decoder.

The usual audio output is provided with options on voice/ID filters as per certification documents.

However, we are NOT providing the old analog +/-150mV outputs, OBS encoders and analog flag outputs. I decided to ditch that as this is allowed under certification. With the Razor or Vega control heads or connection to EFIS these things are not needed.

As an interesting side note: The VOR is so accurate it is better than my NAV test equipment (which is not bad). This leads to a bit of a problem since I cannot use the NAV test equipment as reference. As a result I am working on our own NAV/COM test gear which is starting to look rather promising.

CEO MGL Avionics