
Well Known Member
Looking for temporary hangar space April 21st-26th while visiting the area. Thank you.
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No RV'rs in Mesquite NV?

Perhaps I have found the first place on earth with no bretheren?
I was there in '05 and remember meeting a couple of gentlemen that were building an RV (maybe an -8?) in the hangar closest to the fuel pumps. I'm sure they've finished it by now. There was also a guy with a hangar on the other end that had a -6 or -7, so they're out there.....
Thanks guys.

I have a line on an unleased hangar if it does not rent out before I get there. If it does, my 6 is no hangar queen and will do just fine tied down for a few days.
Hey jonjay,

I checked with a friend that owns the last hangar to the north. Unfortunatley, because of insurance reasons they declined....I'm still gonna work on them....What will you be doing here.....I can propably help you out in another way.


Hey jonjay,

I checked with a friend that owns the last hangar to the north. Unfortunatley, because of insurance reasons they declined....I'm still gonna work on them....What will you be doing here.....I can propably help you out in another way.


A group of about 30 of us having been going to Mesquite to golf for about 15 years. It has changed a lot over the years and is no longer the "secret" place it was when we started going but still some great golf.
Not sure what "insurance reasons" could possibly be, but that might be a polite way of saying they are not interested. Thanks for trying to help though.