Well Known Member
Greeting fellow RV builders,
I have just recieved my "8" QB (17 Sept) and am nearly finished with the emp (or it's nearly finished me). I have a question for my follow Florida builders dealing with corrosion prevention. Since I live across the river from the Space Center (which also serves as the nations corrosion test center) I am constantly fighting the elements. The QB comes with a coat of WD40 on it and that eventually will wick/wear off. What have you folks done in the building period from reciept to final painting. My QB shares the hanger with the Skybolt so there is no a/c.
I have a Steen Skybolt that keeps me from getting flight withdrawl sysmptoms and it also slows the progress on the building somewhat. BTW, Merritt Island is a great airport to fly to should you like to buzz Cocoa Beach and gaze over at the space center (sorry they won't let you fly over the shuttle landing strip any longer). Give me a call on my cell, 321.258.8514.
Don Stiver
Apache 56 (my Viet Nam call sign)
Hello Don,

I built my QB -8 in Nassau Bay, just south of JSC, about 40 feet from the saltwater's edge, (That house/garage - and my former workshop) had 5 feet of water in it from Ike last week!) and I did nothing special, except to close up my tool boxes every night (cleco's rust!). Keep an eye on your parts, and unless you see somethign starting, I wouldn't worry too much about it during the build.


Well, I live just down the road in Melbourne and I can tell you that although I started the project in New Mexico I decided to epoxy prime every part and I'm very glad that I did. I have found that EVERYTHING metal corrodes here. Even the skins will get little pits of white if they're left clean.

A buddy of mine also has and RV-8 that he just shoots with corrosion prevention oil inside any part he can get to every annual and he seems to be doing OK.

Congrats on the kit and if you need any bad advice....

Bryan Knight
[email protected]
RV-8 N888BK
2yrs and 206 hrs