
Well Known Member
I’m interested in ideas and pictures of where people may have mounted their ADS-B in. I have the Merlin Stratux...The little white box with two tall antennas. Anyone else using this or something similar and have pictures of where and how they mounted it? I’m considering mounting it behind the cargo wall and then running remote antennas inside the cargo area. Thoughts?
My Stratux (RV-6, you didn't state which RV you have) is mounted to the baggage compartment side wall. I have a transponder antenna on the belly near the tail which feeds both receivers via a coax splitter. The system is out of sight and has been very reliable.
ADS-B in Stratux box.....

I have a "home built" one (what else.....I build airplanes!) in the Cub with the two black antennae sticking up out of the baggage compartment. The bracket is mounted with....ready?.....Velcro on the upper forward starboard baggage compartment and it is STUCK! I have to really pull to get it off. With no electrical system, I also have a rechargeable battery Velcoed in below it. It is also difficult to get off.

NOW: That is in a Cub with fabric cover but the antennae sticking up out of a metal-lined baggage compartment seem to be able to receive traffic information without difficulty. YMMV with aluminum......but it may be OK back there without an external antennae.
Stratux position

I have mine velcro strapped to the cross bar behind the rear seats in my RV-10. Reception seems fine.

+1. Mine is in the same place, PAX side, antennae nestled against the fuse. I run a power cable to a battery pack secured with a small square of velcro to the top of the tunnel, between the front seats. If I need to switch batteries on long trips, it's an easy task.
I have a -10 with a Skyradar mounted on the right sidewall, behind an interior cloth panel. Two antennas are glued to the fiberglass windscreen posts, one each side. Works fine. IIRC the box is held in place with velcro and/or a nylon cable tie.
On the floor

My Stratux is mounted to the fuselage side with velcro by the left gear leg mount on my 6A. The two antenna inputs go to a splitter/combiner (home made) and to a single transponder antenna mounted on the belly. The WX data comes from ground stations, so down facing antenna is probably a bit better for that. Has been working w/no issues noted for years.

Also, for any Stratux users, I just stumbled on this neat project
My parts are on order...