
Active Member
Many questions:
FAA certified Repairman
Built RV12 - flew 68 hrs total - Parked and stored 4 years (in Europe for work)
Must perform Conditional – all Service Bulletins – all Notifications
Airframe is becoming stripped – have no idea where to go

Anyone have an answer?
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Many questions:
FAA certified Repairman
Built RV12 - flew 68 hrs total - Parked and stored 4 years (in Europe for work)
Must perform Conditional ? all Service Bulletins ? all Notifications
Airframe is becoming stripped ? have no idea where to go

Anyone have an answer?

I have read this several times and don't understand what the question is?
Well, I think what he means is he is a bit overwhelmed with the task of bringing his airplane up to current specs, and is looking for advice as to how to proceed. If that is true, I would advise him to research everything that should be done, order parts and supplies, and tackle the job in an incremental fashion. The last thing to do is the condition inspection.

Or maybe I am all wrong? LOL!
Is there a Condition Inspection check list for this plane? If not, maybe someone could send you a pdf of theirs for the RV-12. I developed one specifically for my RV-10, N959RV, but it would be a good start, or may even fit the bill for another RV-10. Mine is very thorough compared to others I have seen,,,,,about 10 pages.
There's a large variety of documentation here.

Down near the bottom is a PDF you can dowload. Look for "MM". It's the Maintenance Manual. Chapter 3 has the condition Inspection.


And yes - overwhelmed is an understatement.
Thanks for taking the time.
Big John is right. That makes sense.
Thanks David Paule - thing I know where to go from here.
I recently went through something similar on a slightly smaller scale; I bought an RV-12 that had several SBs that needed to be done and a few items that needed to be fixed. I worked through those and am currently in Round 2 -- upgrades and further repairs rather than SB catch-up. Here is what has worked for me.

  • I use an Excel spreadsheet so I can sort items based on whatever column I want.
  • Make a list of everything that needs to be done. Every SB, update, upgrade, replacement, etc. I tracked SBs on a separate sheet, you may or may not want to.
  • Add columns to indicate whether each item is mandatory or optional, its priority, importance, etc. For example, I sorted repair items based on whether they were Repair, Maintenance, Cosmetic or Upgrade related. Another column identified each item as High, Medium or Low priority. Use whatever you need to for sorting the list into a useful form.
  • Figure out what items are related and group them together. For example, maybe group all engine items together, or everything that requires the tank to be removed.
  • Sort and modify the list until you have a good plan of attack. This means you have a list that you understand, and the items are in a logical order.
  • Print it out and work from the list. It's a guide, you own it, so feel free to change the order as you go along, but remember to record the date each item is done so you can properly log it.
  • Mark each item as complete on the spreadsheet and re-sort it to show them done. Don't underestimate the value of having some visual indication of your progress, it's a powerful motivator.
  • Don't be afraid to re-order, clean up and re-print the list when you need to.