
I'm New Here
Curious if anyone in Memphis area is in the process of building a RV. I'm just in the intial "research" stage to see if I could and should be doing this. It would be helpful to talk with someone who is hip deep into an Rv assembly.


Hi Matt,
Hip deep would be a good way to descdribe it...My RV-8 is currently inverted to install the Grove gear, and my engine, instruments, and canopy await their turn. Feel free to contact me off-line.
Memphis Rv's

Several at Dewitt Spain, one RV4 with retractable landing gear. EAA Chapter 182 meets the 4th Saturday of the month at Dewitt, you will see the hangor. There are several builders of RV's in the chapter. There are several builders in Heranando, MS at a private field.

This is my cell 901-619-2562 best time to call is from 1800-0400 daily. Feel free to call.